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7 things all kids need to hear

1 I love you

2 I'm proud of you

3 I'm sorry

4 I forgive you

5 I'm listening

6 RAID is not backup. Make offsite backups. Verify backup. Find out restore time. Otherwise, you got what we call Schrödinger backup

7 You've got what it takes


I've seen multiple examples now of moderation not just not giving a shit, but actively making decisions that favour hateful shit, racism, and queermisia.

This is getting a lot worse than the "basically no moderation at all" problem it already had for years. Now it's "actively harmful moderation"

If you see this and are on, please try to find a new instance. I'll help you if you need help.

"RSS is dead!"
Google Reader is dead.
RSS is alive and well.
Podcasts are literally RSS.
RSS is for every kind of content.
RSS readers exist for every OS.
RSS never died.
Only the walled gardens told you it died.
Spotted in a Mastodon profile:

The Cat's Paw Nebula, as seen from my driveway earlier this year.

It's a bit of a southern hemisphere target, but I'm far enough south in the northern hemisphere to get a good look at it.

#astrophotography #astrobin #caturday #catsofmastodon

I can't help but notice many toots from helpful newbies encouraging you to support the Mastodon Patreon.

It's fine to do that but understand it goes to just two big instances and the official Mastodon dev team.

It does NOT trickle down to YOUR instance. If you want to support your server, donate to it directly. Nearly all the costs of the explosive growth of the past few weeks is borne by local instances.

Mastodon is decentralized. There is no Mastodon Inc. This is not Twitter.

Truths we have to hold in balance:

1. Logging onto a feed and seeing a bunch of anger and despair about current events can be real stressful. The issue isn't any one message, but the deluge, and how it takes over--and boundaries around that are good.

2. We cannot separate our communities from the world we in which we live, where "no politics" usually means "leave politicized aspects of your identity at the door" and "pretend oppressive status quos are neutral."

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Mastodon meta / lightly touching my own experiences. (trauma) 

I'm on the verge of tears, and I'm not even involved with the stuff that's been coming out over the past day or two.

Just watching people having to go through the same conversations with Gargron/Eugen (Mastodon's creator) again, and all my trauma is just resurfacing.

I used to work with Eugen, I thought I could be some kind of conduit to help him listen to and understand the community's concerns, you know the communities that needs the most protection, not the facists.

I'm not going to pretend that I knew what I was doing, or was even near perfect when I did that work. There was so many things I didn't understand yet, for example about harassment, racism and especially anti-blackness. About micro-agressions and so so much more.
I've been on here since april 2017, and I've always cared for this community. And yes, there are so many different aspects and communities on here. How do I delineat who I'm talking about? I'm talking about the people who came to mastodon because of the tagline
"Like Twitter but no Nazis". I'm talking about you.

I don't remember the actual wording anymore, but once there was a joinmastodon, which we also had to push hard to even get, it was right there "No Nazis.

Now we're sitting here, and watching Gargron wring his hands about .art silencing his server because, he is still actively federating with servers that has known facists on it. How did we get here? I honestly don't know.

His server which we already know has grown all too big years ago, and he keeps pushing moderators away, or not paying them enough for their work when they are the sole moderators.
Apparently he's currently the sole moderator, and this has made him an expert in moderation needs, and this is why we have the new report system which is absolute trash. Screenshot attached.

Every thing we hear, it's always worse, it's always the tip of the ice berg. And yeh, I know I'm mentioning recent stuff and not only my own experiences. The issues is, when I start talking about my experiences, the ones that particularly affect me I get physically ill. But I'm going to copy paste some of the inefficiently described things I explained to a friend today. So please bear with me.


“I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Euphoria from skirts off the cheapest part of Amazon. I watched grown women's eyes glitter with tears in the dark at being called by their name. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.

Time to live.”

🏷 #Trans #GenderEuphoria #TransJoy

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!