Raspberry Pi drama
Consumers: "Cops are using computers to spy on us more and more, and that's really worrying."
#RaspberryPi: "HEY GUYS, MEET THE COP WE HIRED! HE SPENT HIS CAREER MAKING COMPUTERIZED SPY GEAR FOR THE SURVEILLANCE STATE! ISN'T THAT SWELL?" https://www.raspberrypi.com/news/meet-raspberry-pis-maker-in-residence-toby-roberts/
Consumers: "Um, no, and here's why that's a problem."
RaspberryPi: "Stop being mean to us! Blocked!"
#Palmdle 531 (online) (3/6)
Palmdle 533 (online) (3/6)
Palmdle 534 (online (5/6)
I missed Saturday (game 532), and that ended my streak. :<
Create a freeze frame of the action in a video every 7 frames and pause at the end for 50 frames.
mpv --ao=null --vo=image --start=0:1:44.25 --end=0:1:46.6 GUEZCxBcM78.mp4
for f in 000*.jpg; do
convert -evaluate-sequence Min ${a[@]} $f $f
[[ $((i%7)) == 0 ]] && a=(${a[@]} $f)
echo 0001{00..50}.jpg |xargs -n1 ln -s $l
cat 000*.jpg |ffmpeg -y -f mjpeg -i - -c:v libx264 -r 24 -pix_fmt yuv420p skier.mp4
Every year, the royal offspring chooses the tool they will focus on the next year - the needle, the pen, or the sword.
Prinx Van refused to choose. They learned magic and forged a tool capable of both sewing, writing, and cutting.
"You must still learn to use it," the Quing said.
#MicroFiction #SmallStories #TootFic
Hive Social shenanigans
Twitter doesn't let you edit one of your posts. You can buy an edit button that works for a few seconds, though.
Mastodon (or at least GlitchSoc) sort of lets you edit one of your posts, via a "delete and redraft" option.
#HiveSocial lets you edit your posts. And anyone else's posts. Among other nasty things. https://zerforschung.org/posts/hive-en/
While it'd be nice to dress up the bug & call it a feature , it's why they're unplugging the servers to fix it instead.
They're shutting down the #hivesocial servers for several days because the vulnerabilities are that bad 😬
✨ Kind 'Net Help Desk fairy by day. ✨
✨ Weird & furry Unix fairy by night. ✨
✨ Sometimes a retrocomputer fairy. ✨
✨ Pays the ComputerFairi.es bills. ✨
✨ Sparkly✨shellscript✨princess. ✨
✨ Age: Mere days younger than ✨
✨ the Intel 4004 & Unix 1st Edition. ✨
✨ Follow requests welcome. ✨
✨ ✨