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melody is making me cry
I'm eternally grateful for all of the people in my life

I looked at some pictures of me from a month ago and they're nice

Oh yeah, I drew a She-Ra. It's part of a symmetry thingy because no reason really.

I was told Game Science made THE BEST DICE, not the worst dice. Lol, the "D Total", it's supposed to be a replacement for any other kind of dice.

New on the Secret Area: One of my regrettable purchases, the e-Reader and the various cards I owned for it.

Likes and shares appreciated!

Prime Day strike 

The 16th of July is Amazon Prime Day, and JUST SO HAPPENS to be the same day many of their workers are planning to strike for better conditions/wages. Many people are expanding this to other Amazon-run websites as well!

While it's great if you can safely do so, if someone has i.e. a friggin' contract with Twitch for streaming, don't be an ogre and claim they're Part Of The Problem because they can't take a day off from what might be their only source of income, you dingus.

An interview with Rebecca Sugar, creator of #StevenUniverse:

She talks about how the Gems are coded as female but are nonbinary, and explicitly says she is a nonbinary woman herself. It legit brought happy tears to my eyes.

Liberapay is in trouble, here's our blog post that explains the situation and what you should do if you're one of our 2000 active users:

Protect your schedule, including the empty time.

have you considered that maybe I am a force of great evil

oh hello there deja vu
Usually when I experience something I already know about it's because of a dream, but this time it literally felt like events from two months ago were repeating verbatim?

Stream announcement 

‪I’m finishing up world 2 of FFV: Four Dragoon Fiesta! Still have the Seal Guardians and Exdeath to go…‬‬

@maple I'm sorry people are being shitty to you :( you're a good person and a good friend

The story of the accidental discovery of a trove of LGBTQ+ history in the attic of a South London flat:

relationship - 

Sara broke up with the person they broke up with me to be with
I hope they’re going to be okay :(
It’s hard to see someone hurting and not feel like you’re in a position to help

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!