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This is what they mean by "you don't have to be dysphoric to be trans."

Cis & trans ppl relationships 

In the first few months after my wife came out to me I spent a lot of time being constantly asked “are you going to stay together” so much so that it made me doubt myself. “Success” stories of ppl staying together through a transition and especially when they are married are still elusive to find so I like to be as visible as possible about it. It’s been near enough four years now & watching her become the woman she wanted to be has been an honour.

the touchscreen doesn't respond at all even after hard reset
so I guess the screen assembly needs to be replaced :(
meanwhile I missed days at my day job to take my partner to the hospital and my translation job moved some of my titles to other months (after I had finished my involvement) meaning I'm only being paid this month for one of the three books I did in August

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programming shitpost 

the ancient doom engine fork programmers used every part of the c compiler

here's a commission i just got from ! it is of a friend's character and she is very cute and good

they just opened commissions recently and you should check them out!!

Some stuff for #mastoadmin re: my instance's fork: feature branches, yay! Merge these branches into your install if you want them.

- local-only
Adds an additional privacy option of Local, which only sends the toot to the Local timeline and local followers.

- softfollow
Option to approve a follower without sending them locked toots. Instances without the feature fall back to rejecting the follower request.

- rp_tools
Currently just has roleplay-voice styling.

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Hey everyone, especially #mastodev #mastoadmin and my Planeteers, I've got a request!

I recently 99% finished a Mastodon feature to allow follow requests at two different levels, giving follow requests three different options: Authorize, Semi-Authorize, and Reject.

I picked the "filter" icon from FontAwesome (see image for example) for lack of other suitable ideas, but if you have a better idea, please let me know!

(Code is here: - thread below for more details)

friendly reminder not to make jokes about killing other people's family members, I'm not sure why I even need to say that this is wrong

Just let lesbians do all the writing and character designs on your sexy girl fanservice game! I guarantee it will be better!

sui, discourse, meta 

Now that we're re-federated, once more, it's Suicide Prevention Day. What are you doing to prevent this horrific tragedy?

Please stop sharing KF content. Please stop believing KF content. Never take a callout post on face value. KF has only one goal and that is death.

So, okay. This needs to be said and understood:

KiwiFarms, Encyclopedia Dramatica, and 4chan are NOT reliable sources.

They're not.

Their entire reason for being is to manufacture reasons to ostracize people. They are, by any definition, hate machines.

You know the saying "trust but verify"? I am telling you: you can't trust these sources.

If you're going to attack and harass someone, find a better source than KiwiFarms, Encyclopedia Dramatica, and 4chan. Please.

Do you ever think about sprite comics/ flash animations and how there's like, a whole art form that's already died out and will never get appreciation in our lifetime. Like you're not gonna take an art class and hear about the stuff I grew up watching online, because it was all unlicensed, and now most of its already gone. And it's not that I'm saying it was good, because you don't measure art by "good". There's a whole generation of artistry people poured over and it's gone or soon to be.

this is 2018's "recording is killing the music industry, we left this side of the tape blank so you can help" and I'm hella here for it

CWs aren’t here to limit you 

they’re here to set you free

Just so we're clear, I may be femme, but I've had enough of people calling me a girl to last multiple lifetimes. You don't get to decide my gender.

Empty Movement will be streaming the new Utena musical with English subs in a few minutes!

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!