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3 -_-
This time I was really rude to the person back... I probably shouldn’t have been

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the top comment on "Steamed Hams but Chalmers is a Blade Runner" is better than the video

I’m going to keep a running tally of how many times this happens today
So far we are at “1”

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Why do people always hold stuff up out of my reach :( :( :(
It’s really rude you know !!

Hi I’m very sleepy and I love my partners
I had a sweet dream about a sweet pepper

oh no someone is posting size difference yuri on my timeline…

what do you call it when two deer make out
asking for a friend

what do you call it when two deer make out
asking for a friend

different relationship bullshit, poly 

what really sucks about being busy and being poly is that I barely have enough time for one relationship much less three and two thirds

relationship bullshit 

What's really great is when you still have feelings for your ex and they flirt with other people in places you can see and which it would be awkward socially to remove yourself from

Secret Little Haven is now available!

Secret Little Haven is a game about a trans girl discovering herself through fandom, chats, and the early internet!



LB: me whenever anyone posts out of context screencaps of Sailormoon Crystal

more squenix "mobile port" bullshit 

The rightmost sprite isn't how CT was intended to look, jsyk
the middle version looks better & closer than it does

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!