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ed, fatphobia 

love to hear a very loud conversation in the break room at my day job about how much weight every person has lost and how they used to be / are currently fat and how unhealthy and gross and disgusting fat people are
it really makes me want to actually eat lunch and not skip


I shouldn’t be allowed to have relationships

My ex just got the second ever TGM Rev Mode Grand Master ranking outside of Japan.
I don't know how to feel.

i wish to find time to take a break from all the stuff i have to do so i can do something i really want to do.

wtf ---- 

partner: here gimme your phone I wanna play a song
me: ok
song: *lyrics about abuse and violence and containing a chorus about dying of malnutrition from not eating anything*
me: *literally in recovery from an eating disorder*

computer fairies registrations are open 24/7 just saying

So hey, hi, sorry to ask again, but my bank has just screwed me hard enough that I have literally no money. If you could help out I'd really, really appreciate it:

me: *goes to reblog a donation post from someone*
tumblr: this post cannot be reblogged
me: oh right they blocked me in 2014 and I still don't know why

This is such a good setup, but do I really want to take it?


I've been doing really well myself recently, not skipping meals and not having really bad reactions when people mention eating, but it helps not being around meat eaters and refusing to discuss people's diets/weight loss/whatevers

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honestly I'm so glad my partners eat vegan it's very important to me and it makes me really happy anytime I hear one of them talk about a tasty meal they had

I got a big huge pile of feelings to erase and I missed my meds yesterday so they're really *really* strong

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!