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whenever i wake up slightly hungover it feels like all the water has been drained from my body, and i'm a redead from zelda or something

@sean_ae @penguini the king of limbs has some interesting sound design here and there, the instrumental on the opening track "bloom" made my ears perk up in particular

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probably cynical of me but that grimace thing is almost engineered to be a meme, they planted the seed and now one of their mascots is all over the internet, unavoidably. they get social media users to do marketing for them

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the impostors & tim reaper - infinity

a couple of new tim reaper collab EPs dropped the other day, great retro jungle

@The_T oh, interesting! i was totally unaware it was a feature on those versions of the maps. no wonder it became an oddity for me with the LGPE map haha

@The_T it's sort of a funny quirk of keeping the kanto map largely the same over time. stuff that you wouldn't really question in a game boy game suddenly becomes a little questionable when examined as a connected region. this is the most reasonable explanation i've heard of how the cycling road is positioned

@smitten i find it humorous that somewhere along the line even the act of running windows from a HDD became dubious. it demands too many resources. hilariously non-functional operating system

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Some cool images I found today

These were made on Amiga computers back in the day by various artists.

#pixelart #commodore #amiga #retrocomputing

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This is one of my favorites and I think was on the cover of a US-based Amiga magazine.

Norman Rockwell stylin'

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Can we all just sit here and gaze upon this mastery by Rick Parks in 16 colors? No scanning, done by hand in Deluxe Paint on an Amiga. It's almost photographic in its perfection.

Rick worked at Westwood Studios and worked on Eye of the Beholder I & 2, Dune 2, Kyrandia and other classics.

Rick died in 1996. His incredible creativity lives on.

#pixelart #commodore #amiga #80s #90s #retrocomputing

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does the glitchsoc fork have that vulnerability fixed? idk if computerfairies has been updated or not

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I mean, it's been fifteen fucking years. we know what Mark Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey are about. they've shown us their whole entire asses. we've seen them radicalize our uncles and put Nazis onto the streets.

but the second they dangle a toy in front of us with the vague scent of FOMO and ground floor clout, that whole history gets thrown away and we're back to repeating history like it's 2007 all over again.

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miracle drink tbh. i'm also partial to green tea when i want a lighter boost

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coffee is probably one of the most comforting things in the world for me, especially with some nice music

@transfaeries tusky still lives! i use it pretty regularly on my own phone

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!