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I mean, there's going to be a shitstorm. I announced my marriage to my partner on Facebook (yeah yeah, it was 2012, fuck off) for shits and giggles and was in the bad books for months.

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I want to get across that I care what each person thinks, but not enough to debate them or have a bad faith conversation. I don't want to lose anyone, but if I do it's not on me. The FAQ should cover all the important bits. If they have questions after that then I'll be patient and humour them.

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I'm out to my partner. Friends will be next, family (mum, dad, step-parents...) are more complicated. I'm thinking of putting an FAQ on my site so I can just say:

Hey. I'm trans! My name is Aura. My pronouns are now she/her. I realise this is a lot to process. Read the FAQ at this link.

In better news, I've figured out exactly how I'm going to get HRT without involving the NHS. I realise this'll come as news to nobody but me. I've been too scared to look into it until now because I was terrified the NHS (notorious wait times for gender affirming care) would be the only way.

All geared up to come out to my partner and fucking PagerDuty strikes.

Or maybe this is just me coming out of standby mode. The skin on my hands isn’t being destroyed by the cold weather like it usually is… Is this a normal metabolism? 🫴🦋

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Coming out to just one friend had the opposite affect to what I expected, even though he was super supportive. Normally (or at least, historically) my resting heart rate has been closer to 50bpm.

I find myself, once again, stuck in bed catastrophizing.

Conway's Law says that a technical architecture reflects the social structure under which it was built. But the reverse is also true. The social structures *we can have* are made possible by the affordances of the tools we have available.

"Tech problems/social problems": false dichotomy.

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This asshole flew at me once to see if I'd flinch. I did not (because I am gormless but it didn’t know that) and it had to veer off.

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I should post about something else. Here’s another corvid. This time a rook that lives near me.

This was easy mode though. I was already pretty sure he’d do well. Family is going to be very challenging.

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My poor friend had no idea what I was going to say. Goodness knows what went through his mind while I was struggling to get it out! When I did though, he aced it. Top marks. No notes.

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I mean, it was a hell of a rush too! I was visibly shaking for ages afterwards. It felt like being a teenager and confessing my love to someone and finding out they’re into me too, but x1000000.

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Looking back on this after a couple of days. I wonder what I looked like as I said it. I spent at least a minute wrestling with my own head and failing to say it before I could get it out *after* I had made the decision to do it. I guess that’s just what it was like for me to overcome decades of firewalling. I also wonder what it’ll be like the next time.

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Holy shit. I came out to my best friend, and he was awesome. I’m very, very lucky to have him. I had to get pretty drunk to pluck up the courage though. 🫠

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!