New blog post! It's a follow-up of sorts as to what I was saying yesterday about how you should absolutely be giving blood and registered to donate marrow and organs. I talk about what they entail, how they work, and try to hit a few common concerns. Give it a read and let me know if you've got any further concerns I could maybe help address.
@auravulpes I'd donate, but they don't want my blood (for at least 2 reasons) and seemingly would rather die than accept my worthless blood. So why should I lie just to have the possibility to give them what they want?
@pinkvampire So, I don't know enough to speak to the specifics of your situation, but I only gave one thing to even consider lying about. If there are "at least 2 reasons" you can't give, either we're counting things differently, your local organisation(s) have requirements that mine don't (which, tbf, I should have had a disclaimer at the top of "my experience is with the US, ymmv"), or there might be reasons you can't give blood...
@pinkvampire Basically, the need for blood products combined with the fact some of the eligibility requirements are asinine is something I'd consider reason enough to lie, but if you'd rather not do so, I can absolutely respect that. After all, it's easy for me to say "consider lying" when I'm lucky enough to not have to.