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@fen I was unaware of Ronaldinho Soccer until today. Thank you, friend, for revealing this glory to me

Aura V. boosted

the 3ds's streetpass was an amazing gimmick and I'm sad nobody did anything like it again

Aura V. boosted

i'm a robot and i'm not particularly excited about machine learning based generators especially when those are used for bad purposes like SEO-fuzzing shit fake websites or free art being used commercially which could've employed an actual artist instead and i hate that it's called "AI" when it's anything but

Two Trucks, heavy sacrilege 

I had to hear this, so now you do too:

Aura V. boosted

*in the olden days*


Me, thoughtfully: hmm... I see. What does this mean? How do I fix this? πŸ€”

*in 2022*

Computer: oopsie-doodle! Something is not quite right! But don't worry, we'll be right back to being awesome in a jiffy! πŸ˜ƒ

Me, indignant: fuck.. you..

Aura V. boosted

anyway remember that time i couldn't sleep and did a tribute to tecmo world cup 98 menus

Aura V. boosted

kink shitpost 

"more girls should cyberbully me" no. screw that. physically bully me or gtfo. if you're not breaking any bones you're doing it wrong. amateur.

re: shitpost (heh) 

This is the kind of quality stuff you followed me for, right?

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shitpost (heh) 

Imagine having bionic kidneys that with two separate outputs. One is waste products with enough water to get rid of them. The other is pure water that you could use to power a bidet built into your bionic ass. That'd be cool, right?

Aura V. boosted

@Erika Discord is a fucking ephemeral synchronous communication platform and not a god damned knowledgebase or wiki, and it should never be used like that. Fuck sake.

Aura V. boosted
Aura V. boosted

Another driving PSA - Tire pressure

Tire pressure changes with temperature. If your tires were properly inflated this summer, they're probably quite a bit below their recommended pressure now that it's cold.

Check the inside of the driver's door jamb for a sticker that tells you what the correct pressures are. Then find an air pump to bring them back to spec.

Be sure they are at the right pressure, too. Underinflated tires won't respond as well. Overinflated ones won't have as much grip.

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Aura V. boosted

PSA on driving: You can go too slowly for conditions as many times as you'd like. You can go too fast for conditions once.

This is true whether you're going down a mountain, driving at night, driving through rain or snow or fog or ice, or in any other situation where you don't have 100% confidence you can go the speed limit.

There's a time and a place for spirited driving, but dangerous conditions are neither the time nor place.

Aura V. boosted

Being girl is pretty rad that's all that's the post boost if you agree

Aura V. boosted

Facebook (sorry: Meta) AI: Check out our "AI" that lets you access all of humanity's knowledge.

Also Facebook AI: Be careful though, it just makes shit up.

This isn't even "they were so busy asking if they could" --- but rather they failed to spend 5 minutes asking if they could.

#AL #ML #MathyMath #Bullshit #NLP #NLProc #AIhype

Aura V. boosted

LIFTOFF! @NASA_SLS and @NASA_Orion launch on their first flight, the #Artemis I mission. Keep checking back for more launch images πŸ“·βž‘οΈ #NasaHQPhoto

Aaaaaaaaah!!!! There is goes!!!!! I have no words for how happy I am right now!!!

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It's happening!!!!! Aaaaaaaah!!! Artemis I is gonna launch!!!!!

Aura V. boosted

I keep seeing lots of long-time #fediverse users saying 'don't favourite posts it does nothing' but actually when you favourite my posts it makes me smile and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

Aura V. boosted
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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!