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Aura V. boosted

Subtoot, deadnaming 

Can everyone please not say "deadname corporations!" It is not deadnaming, they are not people, they do not have feelings, identity, etc, they exist solely to make money, renaming usually being to make more.

Comparing that to the bigotry of deadnaming is really uncomfortable.

Aura V. boosted

The corporate web is so fucked like how do you have "1486 partners"
Yeah sure let me just go through all of these and make an informed decision on whether I trust each one

Aura V. boosted

@Atatra Ah, true, true. My apologies to the Welsh and Scottish.

Aura V. boosted

@auravulpes it technically is, you have to remember that it's possible to be welsh or scottish and be ethical, the english are the real bastards

@Atatra Ah, true, true. My apologies to the Welsh and Scottish.

Aura V. boosted

do you have a fire extinguisher in your house?

if not, I highly recommend grabbing one if you can afford it. powder is a good place to start, since it works for almost all household fire types and is safe around electricals. a brand new 1kg one is about Β£15 and a 2kg one is about Β£20.

a few years back I had an incident where having a fire extinguisher in our kitchen saved me from severe burns and limited the fire damage to stuff I could cheaply repair. coincidentally, I had bought it that day.

Aura V. boosted

(NB: There is nuance here I cannot fit into a 500 character post surrounding things like "being proud of commissioned art" and picrews (which I suppose could be considered an "image generator") and such. This is just me being pissy over image generation algorithms like DALL-E. Thank you for your understanding.)

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Apparently hot take: being proud of AI (heavy scare-quotes) """art""" you (especially heavy scare-quotes) """""made""""" is kinda like being proud of art you commissioned from someone else, except at least with the commissioned art, you gave an actual artist money, and someone had to put in actual time and effort worthy of pride. If you tell an image generator to make an image, you did not make anything, much less art. You do not get to be proud of it.

Insert joke about how Apple had to steal from what is clearly the best OS ever made, Windows Vista

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Man, Apple is so cool. Desktop gadgets and video wallpapers? I really feel like I'm living in the future...

The real question is "How many more times will I continue to make it?"

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I started playing Genshin again for the first time in a long time, and, I'll be honest, I'm not sure how many times I've made the joke "Hey, you. You're finally awake."

They did it! The Rangers have won their first World Series!

I'm rewatching Citation Needed, and I can't help but think the surest proof that the Nazis were not, in fact, the master race is that they lost to, among other things, a man claiming to be a important Brit despite having never set foot in the UK, inflatable tanks, and a mad lad who fought WWII with a claymore and a longbow and succeeded.

Aura V. boosted

It's sad how all the sensible Internet safety stuff that was taught to us when things were getting rolling in the 90s and early 00s has pretty much been undone.

"Don't immediately believe everything you read online" People now believe every stupid conspiracy theory that goes across their screen.

"Don't use your real name and photo on the Internet" Now nearly everyone does, and posts their stupid behavior freely for people to use against them later. Facebook even requires your real name. Enter cyberstalking, doxing, etc.

It's like, damn, people, we warned ya'll not to do these things, now you did, and we're reaping the consequences.

Oh, hell yeah! It was a rocky road through the ALCS, but the Rangers are going to their third World Series! I'm not saying I'm hopeful it'll be their first World Series win, but I'm not saying I'm not either. Either way, damn if this isn't exciting. Their first World Series since I was in middle school...

Yeesh. That was close. Still, Rangers are up 2-0 in the series, so that's good

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!