Actually, on second thought, definitely better than HGSS, and I think HGSS is fantastic, so that oughta tell you how much I like this game
Like, I just tried the whole camping thing and I just have the biggest smile on my face. It's so cute!
Health PSA: Sudafed PE and other oral phenylephrine decongestants do not work. (Like, "might get pulled from the shelves" doesn't work:
Instead, go to the counter and ask for pseudoephedrine (generic Sudafed). You will have to show your ID. You probably cannot do this online.
I am currently sick, and on the worse days I was unable to look at screens much. Certainly not enough to parse this out of the bull shit SEO articles that pass for "the web" these days. So maybe a good thing to really make sure you know before you get sick. Because I only sort of knew and couldn't confirm it.
thinking about how every time someone points out that LLMs aren't actually "intelligent" someone, without fail, crops up to say, "you can't say that, I bet you can't even define intelligence!"
people have been grappling with the difficulty of producing workably rigorous definitions of even basic concepts and the limits of their application in critical reasoning for thousands of years. this is literally Philosophy 101 material.
medical, blood, labs
@moss I mean, it'd be weird, but I don't think there's anything specifically forbidding it? Not that comes to mind anyways.
Matt Gray is Trying: Pyrotechnics.
My new begis now, and I'm starting off with a bang!
@SentinelArk We have a cat who is, like, 15 years old that I still call baby. Cats never stop being baby.
Phlebotomist. Cyberwitch. Artist. Fighter. Accidental breaker of computers.
Genderfluid enby. Pansexual/-romantic. Kitsune-kin (9-tailed)/Incubus-kin. Plural, with a bunch of headmates.
DAMNED PROUD ANTIFASCIST and an anarchocommunist.
Be warned: In theory, I post both lewd/NSFW and incredibly personal stuff. 🔞
(In practice, it's been a while, but who knows?)