So, Thomas Midgley Jr., the guy behind both leaded gasoline and CFCs, has been described as having "an instinct for the regrettable that was almost uncanny". As a fun fact, after being disabled by polio, he came up with a system of ropes and pulleys to get himself out of bed...that he ended up getting caught in leading to his death by strangulation. "An instinct for the regrettable" indeed.
Here, here's a picture from the textbook, but this is what all the animations looked like. Now that you're seen how they look, imagine how they were animated. Yikes.
Anyways, if you haven't taken a CPR class, you should. Doesn't have to specifically be AHA, but please learn CPR. Consider this your PSA for the day.
That said, I did get some amusement from both the animation of two finger CPR on an infant and from the way they had acted scenarios where a human would be replaced with a CPR dummy. Those were pretty amusing.
Grumpiness about piracy
Instead of pirating the thing by the harmful bigoted creator you could just... play something else, watch something else, read something else and put your time, hype, emotional investment, and, yes, sometimes your actual money into supporting work you don't have to feel so conflicted about...
If you're considering Discordifying your wiki, docs, FAQs, whatever and the people screaming "Please don't do this for a laundry list of reasons starting from the inability to archive it, pivoting through the shitty search and ending at the fact that not everyone can access Discord" haven't moved you, consider this.
95% of the people who show up in your Discord instance will *not* be looking to join a community and contribute. They want to open a webpage, ctrl-F some words, and get an answer. Your chat is now that web page and everyone in it is now their answer engine. They will ask, wherever they want, without reading the rules. They will either get an answer or not. They will leave.
That will be your entire Discord existence: an effective verbose log of every ctrl-F your users would have done in an FAQ.
Reminder that COVID rapid tests are only really useful for confirming an existing infection and aren’t all that helpful in preventing the spread.
It’s good to have the tests, but don’t use a negative test as an indicator that you’re safe to run around with no other protections (especially after an exposure). Be mindful of others, especially in high-risk categories like asthma and other chronic illnesses.
Somehow I always imagine a scene where, faced with centuries of wisdom about writing/creativity being about the process, the journey not the destination, etc. etc., the techbro half-listening in the back throws up his hands and says 'but what if we could just automate that part out?' This from @dgolumbia gets at it:
Finally, some of my own thoughts. I firmly believe that the value that #chatGPT and similar models deliver to society is negative. Being able to generate at the press of a button plausibly and smart sounding content that might be wildly but subtly incorrect, with no citations, no sources, no indication of providence, is a recipe for poisining the information environment.
I see programmer types concluding that this will "replace programming" and "make us obsolete". I find it shocking that folks have such a low view of their own profession. The worst, most dangerous code isn't code full of bugs. It's code that "works", but that is incorrect in ways that are pernicious but not obvious.
The job of a programmer also isn't to reproduce some algorithm, it's to understand and model the world, to understand and anticipate user needs, it's to collaborate and shepherd a code base over a prolonged period of time. No language model will do these things.
To quote someone who's very dear to me: "PEOPLE AREN'T USING THEIR BRAINS". Please, use your brains, and be grateful for all the things it can do that a pattern matching model can't.
So, this is probably unsurprising if you know anything about me, but I just spent all morning trying to code up a way of doing 4D movement. I succeeded, though it's only a basic little C program that let's you alter abstract coordinates with translation and changing heading, but fuck does my head hurt now. 4D is haaaaard. I don't even know if I did it right, much less how to translate this into anything more, but that can wait until the headache subsides.
Phlebotomist. Cyberwitch. Artist. Fighter. Accidental breaker of computers.
Genderfluid enby. Pansexual/-romantic. Kitsune-kin (9-tailed)/Incubus-kin. Plural, with a bunch of headmates.
DAMNED PROUD ANTIFASCIST and an anarchocommunist.
Be warned: In theory, I post both lewd/NSFW and incredibly personal stuff. 🔞
(In practice, it's been a while, but who knows?)