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Uh, yeah... I've totally been to Fontaine... Totally...

I totally haven't been putting off that set of quests or anything... No... Not at all... Ehe~

pol joke 

(I mean, how do you think the US gets away with it? Just don't formally go to war, dumbass!)

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Pet peeve: youtubers who talk about "violating the geneva convention". Like, I get that it's colloquial for "doing horribly unethical things", but one, you've not actually done anything covered by the Geneva Conventions, and two, even if you had, you're not at war. It's hard to commit war crimes if you're not at war.

Also, I'm one of, like, two people here wearing a mask. That's...not great, given this is a hospital.

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So, they're playing music while we wait for orientation to start and, uh...wasn't expecting to hear Super Freak come on

That's all the thoughts I can remember. Anyways, like and subscribe for more hot takes.

Pet peeves:

1) People who conflate aesthetic skeuomorphism with functional skeuomorphism. The skeuomorphism of old iOS apps is not the same as the skeuomorphism of knobs and sliders or of VR. Please stop conflating the two.

2) People who paint skeuomorphism as universally bad. Neither is universally bad. You just have a poor understanding of UO design and/or bad taste in computer aesthetics.

Good news: the drive to my new job wasn't too bad.

Bad news: I'm here 30 minutes early.

Anyways, how's your morning going?

I should note the bag he's sitting on contains the scrubs I literally just bought.

My mom, an English teacher: "How do you spell surgeon?"

Me: "S-U-R..."

Mom: "Oh, it's a U."

Aura V. boosted

Okay so it's Monday and it's Winter and cold and dark


you can watch this NE555 walk down a breadboard for four minutes and giggle a bit

Also on the subject, here's my character, in case you were curious

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On the subject of SwSh, here's some fun screenshots from the camping thing. I enjoy that the legendary doggo will play with the bell and feather on a stick. Also, my sylveon, TRANS WRONGS, getting ready to commit her namesake.

Pokemon SwSh spoilers? 

I enjoy this. Not even the least bit surprised.

Aura V. boosted

hi i need money would you like to buy some hand crafted pixels bring your face, bring a picture, bring a pet, that's right, we'll draw your pet

No context 

"A clear sandy bottom doesn't sound like something you want to have."

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!