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complaining about money and art 

i have so many artists i wanna commission and it's always such that when i have money, they arent open, and when they're open I can't spare any more without it cutting into my savings :c

nsfw, nudes, surgery mention 

I also still can't believe it's been more than a year since I had my orchiectomy done

been nut-free for 14 months now

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nsfw, nudes 


(thinking of shaving stuff down there soon, getting really fluffy...)

gender stuff, plural stuff, (---) 

we're all over the place again, nothing makes sense

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tonight is a night where shark thinks about gender apparently

@LottieVixen here in BC a legal name change is as simple as filling out a single page document, bringing in your old birth certificate and paying a fee at any Service BC location

i still dont understand why legal name changes in the US require you to go to court

worldbuilding, dvakiiri 

the singular form of dvakiiri is dvaki

I really should do more work on the language tho

the only words that are defined are dvakiiri, dvaki, and zadrii (shark)

(tho, zadrivakiiri is a thing too)

worldbuilding, dvakiiri, sfw furry art 

this is of course missing the shoulder patches each of them is supposed to have but yea

dvakiiri are neat and I still really want people to make their own eventually

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gender stuff, (~) 

my mom recently acknowledged that i'm not 100% girl but now im kinda feeling like a bit of an impostor

worldbuilding, dvakiiri, sfw furry art 

and they've got cute spacesuits too :D

(🎨 :

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worldbuilding, dvakiiri 

A spacefaring species of dragon-like cuties? With 5 "sexes" and a very different concept of gender with full acceptance of trans individuals in their species and others?

Yep, that's the dvakiiri.

nsfw text 

been in a real "wanna fuck cute guys" mood lately

not sure why

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!