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shark ordered pizza even tho she doesn't rly need it

i'm messing around with this "SNES" soundfont (it's a bunch of samples from a select few SNES titles) by playing Toto - Africa with it

and uh... expect a thing shortly

have some ideas for who I want to have draw Andrei next :3c

ph, (-) 

got this rash on my elbows that's really similar to the rash i had on my armpits a few years ago...

last time, doctor thought it was ringworm or something first but antifungal did nothing

was prescribed a steroid cream and that seemed to do the trick

wonder if its the same thing or not

Elite Dangerous, screenshot 

mining can be quite profitable eh?

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!