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i fell asleep at 8pm after eating like...

a lot much chocolate...

sfw furry art, eye contact 

Attempted something I haven't done since before I had a tablet

realization: since a lot of these songs i'm making remixes of with my custom sound set were originally made for better synths (such as opl3 or even opn)

my remixes count as demakes since the sound system i'm working with is equal to an opl2 :3

look if i had this kind of luck back when i lost my job at 7-Eleven I'd probably still have a job elsewhere

McDonald's is hell job ok

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one week after losing my job at McDonald's and ive already got an interview lined up

what the heck

negative, hormones n stuff (nsfw text) 

love how my brain's first thought with me being super horny is "oh no my testosterone must still be rising" even though i know thats not why as it just doesn't work that way

i was getting just as horny when my T was fully suppressed so i know it's not the T

instruments in my custom set that need to be worked on:
-literally all of the pianos
-remaining brass, reed, synth, and pad instruments

thing i need to realize:

2op instruments don't have to be FM

additive synthesis is allowed gdi

job bs, shark opinion on interview questions 

the first one is bad because the only answers that work amount to mild flattery. as the honest (and obvious) "i need money" isnt acceptable

the second? well, i cant know for sure how my work experience will help until i *have the job*
because job descriptions are often too vague compared to what you actually end up doing

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job bs, shark opinion on interview questions 

the two worst interview questions:

-"Why do you want to work for us?"

-"How will your previous experience help you in this job?"

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!