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trying to figure out how this midi player shows what type of midi a midi file is

so far it seems General MIDI gets a dark-colored MIDI symbol, GS gets a light-colored one, and XG is of course the XG symbol

sfw furry art 

it's still international bat appreciation day

Amber is good bat

drugs, weed 

damn... i slept well after that high haha

i dont even remember what happened in my dreams

subtoot, positive, affection 

wanna smooch a sendaen tbh

i'm not expecting this game to work too well on my old comp, but i'm gonna give it a try anyway


i'm not a sub but i certainly find myself being into being one sometimes =u=

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!