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And the entire cyberspace is monitored by kind people, who lick juices dripping from the tips of their fingers.

Happy birthday, 9front.

#9front #glenda #cirno #unix_surrealism

Tell your friends when they've helped you materially or emotionally.

If I label this a "life hack," will you pay attention?

Felt really good about this comfy day-at-home look on Sunday
Pajama pants + tank top has become a default for me because it feels really nice

re: trans healthcare musings 

@lunareclipse I think it should be over the counter with a pamphlet about effects, side effects and blood tests to get. Then you can just go to any outpatient lab and order the tests yourself or have your pcp order the tests for you.

I hate having periods, some transgirl who wants them come take.

1. don't pour milk in your eyes
2. a knife is not a self-defense weapon unless you've actually trained with it
3. encrypted communication is only as secure as the devices it's on and only as trustworthy as the people you're communicating with
4. if someone tells you cops/fash are on the way, ask where, how many, what they look like, if they're armed and with what
5. seeking unity and collaboration with people whose interpersonal behavior is abusive and authoritarian is a liability, not a virtue
6. people in power will say they're going to do a lot of stuff, and even put some of it into policy, but what matters most is their capacity to enforce it, and this is an area where the rest of us have more power than we might think

Good boy had the plan all worked out, and then the cat ruined everything.

since it seems some folks need a reminder, equating Judaism with Zionism is in fact antisemitic. Don’t do that shit. You do a disservice to the many many anti -Zionist Jews who have been fighting for decades to stop the genocidal colonial project

cannabis question (please boost :boost_animated:

my purrtner has a form of cancer that makes it harder for her to smoke and while we do have some thc gummies for her they sometimes do not do much for her.

I've read a bit online about people using cannabis flower for making tea and it seems like that should be a decent way of getting THC from the flower but I'm not sure.

Has anyone on fedi ever tried making tea with cannabis flower, if so does it work well for you?

re: cannabis question (please boost :boost_animated:) 

@cyberboy this can be really strong. Cause you are capturing a lot more of the psychoactive chemicals with coconut oil. So start with a small dose.

re: cannabis question (please boost :boost_animated:) 

@cyberboy cannabis tea is pretty nasty tasting. And cannabinoids are an oil so WON'T mix with water. Best you'll get is an oily layer on top of the hotwater. If you need something that is not solid as an edible. Coconut canna oil is your best bet you can just put some in your mouth. And the taste isn't awful.
This close too how I do it. But I like a lower decarb temp 180f for 45 mins.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!