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why speak of the use
of computers?
it is computers
that use us.

( dedicated to Hayden Carruth )

Hellö! I made a little drawing from in-between bigger projects for you. This one is called "The Moon King". In Germany, when mushrooms grow in a circle, it's called a circle of witches. I thought these witches would make a nice entourage for the Moon King.

#illustration #art #mastoart #moon #mushrooms #witches #moth #magic #summer #autumn

going to start licensing any code I release with an extra "acknowledge trans rights" clause. don't care if it's unenforceable or "non-free", I'm just spiteful and I *know* it'll upset the most insufferable people alive

@cthulku thanks! I don't make soup often but I really do it up when I make it. Broiled chicken and bacon are going in soon

Making potato corn soup, with slow cooker pork broth and fat.

Ya know, I think it’s interesting that as soon as Greta Thunberg started espousing anti-capitalist and anti-colonial sentiment, the media coverage of her deeds dropped sharply.

Some cis-het men think they can gamify relationships with women without doing any real work on themselves (e.g., being fake funny but still obviously cruel) and doing things that show off mostly to other men (e.g., getting really ripped). And then they get angry because women can still spot them as self-absorbed douchebags from a mile away.

Live your life such that no one feels compelled to argue that something you did isn't *technically* a Nazi thing.

important tips for a career in software:

a junior developer cares about programming languages

a mid-level developer cares about algorithms and data structures

a senior developer cuddles her 3 girlfriends while watching some stupid slice of life anime instead of working

Patterns of Anarchy: A Collection of Writings on the Anarchist Tradition by Leonard I. Krimerman & Lewis Perry


Liberal America needs to own up to its failure to protect the rest of the world from fascism and climate catastrophe.

@tofugolem @ramshackle I'm unsurprised people think this with the association between Jews and israel. But Jews aren't white never have been and Nazi's still hate jews.
Here is a very incomplete look at high level incidents in America.

@ramshackle @tofugolem Jews aren't more or less white. Racial violence is visited apon Jewish people all around the world.

@Melissabeartrix @roknrol I want to hope but Canada is just as, if not more racist than USA. They have this whole we are the nice guys with harmless mounties thing but its a marketing tactic and the government has a huge hard on for colonialism

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!