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My friend @skiles has made a hobby the last few years out of making websites critiquing anti-queer lobbying organizations and SEO-hacking them to high rankings for that organization's name.

Eventually one of them, a subsidiary of Focus on the Family, filed a complaint against one of his sites under the Uniform Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution Policy system of the World Intellectual Property Organization at the UN.
He won!

Read about it here:

I miss the old Linux, straight from the apt Linux
Dial up the FOSS Linux, set on its goals Linux
I hate the new Linux, the systemd Linux
The always GNOME Linux, the KDE Linux
I miss the sweet Linux, simple RC Linux
I gotta to say, at that time I'd like to use Linux

Stock market chaos as China reveals secret snake oil refinery, threatening US snake oil monopoly.

I pray to God that #China just burst the AI bubble with this stunt and that a lot of people lose vast fortunes over it. Why? That's what five different companies get for trying to force their five different versions of the same thing on me at least three to five times a week.

I hope they all burn.

tech headlines be like 

Torment Nexus will revolutionize productivity, according to founders

Chinese Torment Nexus threatens to hand user data and national secrets to the CCP

sometimes i dream that a cooperative emerges and takes care of a browser that is not primarily a tool for commerce


re: House MD 

@abolisyonista cause doing the sideways Charleston is what it takes to get medical care in the USA?

you don’t need more graphics than mario kart 8. have you seen that game . it looks more real than real life man . shit runs on 1gb of ram . ask urself if ur game won’t run on a system with 2gb of ram is your game more graphics than mario kart 8

I wish more militant atheists could sense the extent to which they have completely absorbed some of the worst aspects of cultural Christianity.

My Mexican ancestors entered the country the right way, by having our territory stolen by English-speaking invaders, and being turned into second-class citizens in our own lands.

I yearn for an activist collective that genuinely cares about communicating simply and directly to gather people and develop class consciousness, rather than becoming a small clique of highly educated folks and calling it a day.

Many people have said "teach everyone to code!" or cheer-leaded for "learning to code!" but there hasn't been enough discussion about what a Computer Science component to a liberal arts education ought to look like.

In mathematics we have many lists and trees of what mathematicians think people ought to learn, what order it should be learned in.

Not so in computer science. We just say "learn to code" this would be like if math people said "learn to integrate functions!"

In the cloud-native wasteland there's always that "cattle vs pets" talk.
This implies that hyperscaler cloud madness is nothing but a digital meatgrinder.

So, #permacomputing is digital veganism?

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!