That’s honestly the thing that makes me most sad about white Trans culture, most especially white Trans femme culture. White Trans girls will be the first to jump up and down about how oppressed they are and will have never read a single piece of Black or Indigenous feminist writing. They will be the first to say “cis people act like we don’t exist” and yet have never talked to a Latine person outside of the service industry.
And I’m not even mad about it, it is what it is. I’m just sad because I know that in that space, I’m invisible and disposable and the underside of the bus is just sitting there waiting for me.
White people in America,
I want you to know that what you are experiencing now is called Tuesday for many of us.
This fear you feel? This knowledge that the system will destroy you if you are seen? This inability to trust the police or any figure in power?
You are suddenly coming to this terrible understanding that laws are created intentionally to make it difficult for you to even exist.
These are the conditions Black Americans have *always* lived with. Always.
@tjhexf the racism is also very apparent her neural face is 4 shades lighter and has whiter features.
Ok #openbsd people what shell should i run on my new BSD install.
re: covid19, air purifiers, help/advice requested
I will warn that this is touchbutton. Although it is big and in the center on top, so I can turn it on and off at night in the pitch black.
I have postcovid that gave me bad allergies and lëvoit is the best brand I've found.
The aromatherapy pad that you scent yourself is weird its not on the models i have but shrug
@detondev I'll agree that capitalism has robbed us of most of our free time. But I think these people are scared to know themselves at all, the second a thought about who they are pops up they run the other way.
So they spend their time filling their time and that void where their identity should be with other people and those peoples characteristics.
That's my experience with it at least.
And I have found that you can usually find some time to think about you are and what you want.
In case it's not clear, when a sociopath explains away bad behavior by saying it was "just a joke", they don't mean they were making a joke to be funny. These so-called jokes are a test to see who is in-group and who isn't. If you think it's a good joke, you're part of their group. If you don't think it's a good joke, you're their enemy.
This is why their humor sucks. They're not making jokes to be funny, but to weed out the people who don't think they're funny.
@detondev a symptom of phobia of introspection for 1000, alex
Food poisoning cause my roommate didn't temp fish yaaaay
#cvid #Primaryimmunodeficiency
Someone is crowdsourcing reports of ICE raids 👀
Never again!
"We are all the same - there is no christian, muslim, jewish blood. There is only human blood. You all have the same (..) Be humans!" (Margot Friedländer - holocaust survivor)
Today, we remember the liberation of the Auschwitz concentration and extermination camp 80 years ago.
The Nazis killed around 17 million people, including 6 million Jews. Jews, Sinti, and Roma, so-called asocials, homosexuals.
Antisemitism is rising again and we must stand against it.
Love old tech and anti-authoritarian praxis
RISC and singlecore CPUs
Pls send a follow request
Follow requests have been turned on solely because a previous irl friend is stalking me on this account and I don't know their account name. If this is you, pls just stop.
Lots of body no worky Just a puppy