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you can't "decolonize" an explicitly colonialist institution.


I'm slepy, I want someone to tell me its bedtime and put me to bed. Put my nighttime undies on, draw me close to their side tucking the bedding under me on the otherside. Holding me against them, so all I smell is skin and feel their warmth. Running their fingers thru my hair as they tell me they will keep watch, I can relax everything is fine as long as they are there.
I would sleep so good, probably dooze off suckling one of their free fingers. :abunhdhappy:

The whole thing about "on the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog" doesn't really work for me. In fact, for the most part only people on the Internet know that I'm a dog.

The amount of people who claim to be leftist and are pro prison is concerning to me. If you can't get behind the state kidnapping and forcing people into slavery is bad. How are you going to support the people who are affected by these actions, which BTW are the most vulnerable. Kick the liberal idea out of your head that prison keeps bad people out of society, It doesn't. And even if it did its not worth the trade offs.

Genocidal ass dumbass fake ass capitalist ass fascist ass “holiday”

linux distro opinions (1/23) 

i'm gay

Post-Election Family Thanksgiving Dinner Hack:

If it won't be healthy for you, don't go.

@Lana Every moral panic is a quiet campaign for just a little more state authority, a little more overt repression, a little more leeway for the police to put "those people" back in the desired social order.

The right desperately wants to return to the type of minority, white, patriarchal rule they enjoyed by depriving voting & other civil rights during Jim Crow.

But they also have to say they "hate government overreach" because Federal civil rights acts banned these racist state laws.

So they covertly campaign for a state that will actively intervene in their narrow interests—but not the diverse majority's interests—by zigging and zagging through all these scare tactics.

society doesn’t see disabled people as people. We’re symbols—either of triumph over adversity or tragic cautionary tales.

It’s easier for non-disabled people to project their fears or fantasies onto us than to engage with complex realities of disabled lives.

#Disability #HumanRights #SDGs #Poverty #Technology #Cinema #DisabilityInclusion

every city should have a public tool library and workshop space for people, as well as public spaces for work that requires more specialized tools or spaces


So hypothetically is there anyone who would want to buy me a dog collar.
I would send photos of me wearing it if that's wanted, i promise I am a very cute butch doggo and have nice tits

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!