The NY Times refuses to cover the murder of Yeremi Colino, which took place in Manhattan the same day as the murder of the UHC CEO, because Colino was an immigrant child killed by a white supremacist who asked whether he could speak English. Just like NYPD refuses to carry out the same kind of manhunt with hourly updates on the killer. They only care about corporate tycoons, not teenagers being killed. This is how they cover for the hate crime.
Healthcare execs had no problem showing their faces on their websites despite knowing full well that their exploitative practices enabled the preventable deaths of nearly 70,000 Americans ANNUALLY.
But the preventable death of 1 executive and suddenly they're all camera shy and wiping their websites of their own profiles.
How appropriate that to them 1 death of their own is worth more than 70K deaths of the rest of us.
@admin can we follow hash tags here @
Rediscovery of rare marine #amoeba Rhabdamoeba marina
#Rhabdamoeba marina is a heterotrophic relative of chlorarachnid algae
"The study highlights the importance of observing environmental samples for the rediscovery of #unicellular organisms such as R. marina that lack genetic data. Such efforts are indispensable for understanding #MicrobialDiversity."
#protists #microbes #amoebas #microorganisms #protistology #microbiology #algae #biodiversity
Fanny Hesse (1850-1934) worked unpaid for her husband Walter Hesse in Robert Koch's laboratory. Koch was desperate to find a suitable medium for growing bacterial cultures. Fanny Hesse came up with the idea of using agar, which proved to be an ideal gelling agent. To honour her for introducing agar and revolutionising microbiology, DSMZ researchers named the strain Streptomyces hesseae (DSM 40473) after her.
#herstory #HonoringWomenInSTEM #WomenInScience #RobertKoch #streptomyces #microbiology
Medical care for trans youth
The centring of puberty blockers in the care of trans youth is actually a compromise position designed to placate cis discomfort.
Desistance rates during this period are so low that it effectively amounts to holding young trans people in limbo for a few years and lying that it's for their benefit.
There's no medical reason that young trans people are unable to begin medical transition in their teenage years.
The roadblock is only a combination of cis anxiety and the erroneous belief that young people lack an understanding of their own identity and the capacity to exercise bodily automomy.
For real. You never see them wring their hands when jackbooted thugs crack people's skulls for having the audacity to live in tents because they can't afford rent. Of course, that's probably because they're the ones who called the cops in the first place.
Neoliberal/fascist people in positions of public power never say - Violence isn't the answer - when they give more raises to state mercenaries to buy more weapons of state funded violence & militarized/armored vehicles & to beat up nonviolent citizens exercising their rights to public dissent & peaceful protests.
I'm uninterested in bootlicker responses. I will block those who choose to commit bootlicking offenses on my timeline - on sight.
#ACAB #AntiFascist #DefundThePolice #PoliceReform #AbolishPoliceUnions #AbuseOfAuthority #AbuseOfPower #NoTransparency #DemandAccountability #TaxFundedStateViolence #Unethical #Immoral #StateTerrorists #StateViolence #YourTaxDollars #Taxpayers
Political musing
Listening to the House banter about some "Crucial Communism Education Act" designed to emphasize education on the atrocities of totalitarian communist regimes.
I find myself wondering how different the political impulses would be if communism wasn't constantly conflated with totalitarian forms of government and was more plainly regarded as the system of economics it is more literally defined as.
Like, honestly, totalitarian government is the problem, not a communist economic model. But goddamn the two are inseparable.
Thanks Stalin I guess.
Love old tech and anti-authoritarian praxis
RISC and singlecore CPUs
Lots of body no worky Just a puppy