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Hey friends!

We are very happy to announce that the instance will now no longer be shutting down at the end of the year and will instead keep running, helmed by our very own @arielmt!

We're currently handing over all the relevant things and Ariel will be taking post as full and sole administrator in the near future

Pinned post

Computer Fairies is currently semi-permanently locked for registrations due to automated spam, however, anyone is free to join with the permanent invite pinned in the news channel of our Discord server:

Server going down again. Sorry for the short notice. ~arielmt

We have to take the server down again. We'll do that at 1530 UTC (45 minutes from now), and we'll bring it back up at 1600 UTC (a half hour later). Thanks for your patience.
:computerfairies: arielmt

The images issue has been temporarily fixed, but there's still a lot of work left for making it permanently fixed. Our storage issue has gone from "stuff is breaking" to "kind of cramped."

There's nothing to be done for it except keep using this instance normally and please have patience if anything breaks again in the next few days.

Also, thank you all for your patience. :heart_cyber:

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We apologize for how turbulent the maintenance is and will be. Please observe that the fasten seat belts and no releasing the magic smoke signs have been lit, and thank you for flying computer fairies!

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Hi everybody! First of all sorry about the recent issues with Computer Fairies and downtime. It turns out, we have some issues with our storage that will take a few days to sort out. Until then, we're bringing the instance back online, which will still show some issues but you should be able to make and read text posts.

I need to stop the instance for a few minutes, in order to fix the images not loading problem that developed recently. It'll be back as soon as that's done.

Folks, I'm really sorry. Computer Fairies went down because I made a stupid mistake. I gave the site host a CC to hold & draw payment from, but it expired last month, and I forgot to give them a new CC until today. Again, I'm really sorry about the downtime.

We are now up and running on v3.4.1+glitch

Thank you for your patience, fairies.

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Computer Fairies is shutting down now for upgrades. We'll be back shortly. :computerfairies:~arielmt

I rebooted the server just a few minutes ago. Sorry for the unscheduled downtime, fairies.

Facebook's upcoming invasion of the fediverse is not welcome at I have just preemptively suspended

Hey, Computer Fairies!

So I had to migrate our emails (for notifications, confirmations, &c) to a new host, and they defaulted to inserting web beacons and rewriting links in order to track you, and without telling me.

I've just turned that tracking crap none of us need off, but please, *please*, **PLEASE** let me or @arielmt know if you're still getting tracking links in your email notifs!

Thanks, and sorry.

Computer Fairies folks, it looks like I messed up.

I ran the sync twice, and I didn't ensure that the second time wouldn't delete anything. It looks like any of you who posted pictures or updated your av on Saturday night or Sunday morning lost them.

I'm sorry.

Hello, friends!

The data sync took much longer than we expected, but it finished successfully. This instance's server and data migration is complete.

Thank you for your patience.

:heart_cyber:​ arielmt

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The 9-10 hour estimate was wildly off, but the work is still progressing smoothly. New media appears to be saved properly and accessible immediately, and old media is getting less and less broken.

:computerfairies: arielmt

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Yes, it's an avatar-less text-only experience until then, too. Just hang on. ~arielmt

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Hello, friends!

We're back, and we're on the moved server and data bucket. Your media files may be missing, but only for a while. The data sync is still going in the background, and we think it's going to take about 9-10 more hours, but it could be longer.

Please observe the no-posting sign has been turned off, and thank you for flying!

:computerfairies:​ arielmt

Hello, friends!

We're going to have to take Computer Fairies offline for an hour or two in order to sync data and transfer the server to Ariel's care.

We plan to start this more or less at 00:00 UTC on Thursday (8:00 PM EDT Wednesday) this week. We'll make a follow-up post and announcement after that work is done.

:computerfairies:​ arielmt

Hey friends!

We are very happy to announce that the instance will now no longer be shutting down at the end of the year and will instead keep running, helmed by our very own @arielmt!

We're currently handing over all the relevant things and Ariel will be taking post as full and sole administrator in the near future

we welcome those (within reason, and our own personal vetoing) who would like to help keep up the instance, and we pledge to keep the instance online until the end of the year for that matter.

we thank everybody who has shown us solidarity, friendship and kindness in these past 4 years.

i, personally, will not be making a return to the fediverse if and when this instance closes, but you can find me elsewhere.


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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!