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"competition is how everyone improves"

No. Cooperation is how everyone improves. Get that fucking brain worm out of your head. No more fucking secret-keeping to preserve an edge in "the market" and stifling the free exchange of ideas.

I love that anytime some corpo service wants to join the fediverse, 90% of us are like:

Meta, a trans man musing on "transmisandry" 

The funny thing is, if you'd expect anyone to be opposed to so-called transmisandry or "kill all men", it's me, just on the front of being a binary trans man who is romantically involved with men and works with young boys. I'm clearly pretty invested in manhood in many contexts.

But manhood and patriarchy are death cults. Aside from hating women, the whole structure of patriarchy makes men miserable tools of capital. Because I care about (specific) men, I want to get rid of manhood as it exists.

Pretty much every problem the boys and men I know experience is rooted in a specific structural issue. The "male loneliness epidemic" is alienation under capital. What trans men face is really just transphobia. So not only should you care about women enough to be feminist, but chasing "transmisandry" or "the male loneliness epidemic" is just a red herring keeping us from tackling transphobia, capitalism, etc.

Aside from it all just being very basic problems of people misunderstanding punching up, I feel like coddling men actually does the opposite of making us safer.

First dose of new meds, had a little panic attack about it. But everything seems to be fine, very sleepy like not exhausted I can't sleep, sleepy. No real I'm ready to go to bed sleepy, its crazy.

It's about material conditions and trauma, no one is born wanting to commit this kind of evil against their fellow man. We can help these people. We can reach them. We can save them from themselves.

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how come brian health insurance didnt just wear a bulletproof backpack like my kid was told to do

i love the feeling when you listen to a minority and repeat their point and then you get someone from that minority saying "yeah!!! that's what i'm saying" i fucking love being a leftist

It's worth noting that plenty of animals still walk in the same areas where dinosaurs lived millions of years ago. Just a short walk from the tracks above, I found these lizard tracks, possibly made by a gila monster! (3/3)

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capitalism is incompatible with everything. whatever you are trying to do, you'll be worse at it if you do it with capitalism

... and will later end up on #Mastodon talking with other #autistic people who *are* interested... 🥰

Credit to Plantsages on FB

We're going to be constantly scolded that Biden was the "best" and "farthest left" president in decades who "helped workers" and "did everything the left asked for," but the left "refused to give him any credit" and he and Democrats still lost to Trump, forcing them to "move back to the middle." In reality, Biden did very little, especially for poor, working, and marginalized people, and the party was already realigning itself with Republicans before the election on, e.g., immigration.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!