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This is probably a pretty lukewarm take at this point, but those social media bans for teens, like the one that was just introduced in Australia?

It's a trans panic.

They can try to dress it up however they like, pull in other, legitimate problems for which a ban isn't the solution either so they get more support for it, but at its core that's what it is.


Trans panic.

Me and lithium in a weird kinda love affair, she makes my heart race at first, but keeps me calm the longer he's around, I do everything I can to consume them.

you can draw a direct line from eugenicists still worshipped today like pearson and fisher through nazi scientists to the uncle who works at degussa

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educated white people say shit with such sinister implications off the cuff, it has me ducking for cover

It's mildly annoying that I can't easily plug two computers into each other and transfer files from one to the other :/

Individualism, egoism, and Nietzschean nihilism, are trash. Go in the fuck you corner with the ancaps

Small fungus-farming ants, Mycetosoritis hartmanni, in their subterranean garden. The fungus- a white stringy material- grows between the bits of debris fed to it by the ants. The ants then feed from the fungus- a true agricultural system. Texas. #ants #insects

Don’t let anyone convince you that a world where every single person has what we need to live well and to thrive isn’t possible.

Lewd bodyhair 

Thinking about genderqueer bush and leg hair :blobflushed: :blobdrool:

I feel like the new queer style is no body hair and that makes me sad :blobfrowning:

A zine has been added to the website!

Anarchist Parenting

“Respecting children and educating them well was vitally important to the process of revolutionary change. Ignorance made people particularly vulnerable to oppression and suffering. More importantly, education prepared people for social life. Authoritarian schools (or families), based upon fear, prepared people to be submissive to an authoritarian government [or within a capitalist workplace]. Different schools and families would be necessary to prepare people to live in a society without domination.” [Free Women of Spain, p. 133]


OH: the laptop got on HRT and it is not a chromebook anymore

Since the US banned Hawaiian language and culture, our native language speakers dwindled to the brink of extinction in the 1980s (>100 child speakers). The fact we've 30,000+ Hawaiians speakers now is testament to our struggle to preserve our culture from eradication.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!