Remember who the NYPD works for.
#unions #unionStrong #teamsters #amazon
“Cops Bust Picket Line as Teamsters Strike Seven Amazon Warehouses”
Reminder: virtually everyone will end up with a disability at some point in your life. Unless you die young and suddenly. You are going to be disabled, you might call it old age. You might call it losing your mobility, or your sight deteriorating, or your hearing. But as we get older, disability comes for us all. Accessibility matters.
@troutgirl @beep @aud @sipi_xo
Hi, union organiser here!
A strike exists to cause as much disruption as possible. Sometimes that means blocking customers from doing business, but just as often it means watching the customers come in and overwhelm the company because workers aren't there to handle them. The striking workers will know better than anyone what the most disruptive thing is.
At this time of year, the most disruptive thing may simply be to let Amazon's logistics crumble under the weight of undelivered parcels. It sounds like that's what they're going for.
I don't usually shop with Amazon, but I wonder what the biggest, cheapest and most awkward thing I could order would be? If I ordered huge bags of nothing but packing peanuts, I wonder if I could get free shipping?
it was very eye opening to me to realize that conservative beauty standards are just that they don't like when women look/act like adults like all the facial features they claim are unattractive/masculine are actually just. adult human facial features. that have nothing to do with gender
and claiming like women over 25 are no longer desirable/attractive cause like. you know what women over 25 are likely to be? mature adults/not naive anymore. you're less likely to be able to manipulate them. hmmmmm
so the thing i dont get is like
even if they were right
even if there were some plague of badness in transmascs
why would i suddenly not want to work with them against the institutions and systems that plague not just the marginalized but the whole world?
colonialism, capitalism, neoliberalism, fascism, authoritarianism, ecocide
all the other problems stem from those things
so why would i suddenly discount those who share in this struggle because our groups have conflict our common enemies caused?
guess what, most of yalls favorite anarchist philosophers were wealthy white men
because this shit hurts everyone, and everyone has to unite to stop it
the solution to our conflict is recognizing we are on the same side
GitHub hasn't explicitly stated how it'll use data from the free tier copilot code completion AI account. Let me tell you, they'll use data from you to collect all your code and data to train their shity AI further. Now, most blogs, forums, and many repos are blocking freeloaders like Github, so they need more data to train their shity AI. You are the product when it is free ;) Just remember that. It is now your choice
i just learned about “riot dogs” (stray dogs that for no knowable reason join in when people protest, and protect protesters from police), reinforcing my view that all dogs are good boys
(i am not a dog person so this is an unbiased nonpartisan dog assessment)
With each post defending Google I grow more comfortable with the idea that Mozilla should be sacrificed.
Love old tech and anti-authoritarian praxis
RISC and singlecore CPUs
Pls send a follow request
Follow requests have been turned on solely because a previous irl friend is stalking me on this account and I don't know their account name. If this is you, pls just stop.
Lots of body no worky Just a puppy