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i followed you for a funny post you made once, but since then it has been interesting to learn about your severe mental issues and intricate sexual fantasies


I'm an anarchist, and with that comes a commitment to "no heroes." But in a society that rewards, even worships the cruelest, greediest, most selfish, most violent, most power-mad sociopaths because of the size of their bank account and the political power it allows them to wield, you'll have to forgive me if I don't get bent out of shape that the kids love Luigi.

Me? I don't have heroes. But folks who'd give Elon Musk a handie if he asked don't get to tell me about "bad heroes."

Y'know, I still sometimes see people call Spotify better than piracy, but I don't know about that anymore. Now that they've demonetized so many tracks... if you pirate music, at least you know the artist isn't getting paid and you might buy it someday. Someone who streams music thinks they paid for it, and they'll never go buy it afterwards.

Why do so many people say they are polyam but when it comes down too it they get all mono and jelly? And end up expecting to have a veto card that was never discussed.

Thinking about the book, neuromancer and how we are in a society so close to that. But some how more boring, like Fahrenheit 451 was not a field guide :blobfacepalm:

what do I think of Germany denazifying after world war 2? I think It's been like 80 years and they should probably hurry up and get on with it

In the face of Stephen Fry’s mask-off transphobic betrayal of the queer community, please remember this world contains Sandi Toksvig.

I so tired of techies showing they have neither morals nor ethics, then being shocked when their work harms them.

You know that’s all interlinked, right?

Today in Labor History December 22, 2010: President Obama signed the repeal of the Don't ask, don't tell policy. The 17-year-old law banned LGBTQ people from serving openly in the U.S. military. Now LGBTQ people can serve openly and kill innocent civilians throughout the world for the benefit of American corporations, just like their straight sisters and brothers.

#workingclass #LaborHistory #dadt #DontAskDontTell #lgbtq #homophobia #transphobia #imperialism #obama #civilians

The red-bellied lemur (Eulemur rubriventer) a medium-sized strepsirrhine primate. They're designated as vulnerable according to the IUCN Red List, due to threats endangering habitats from slash-and-burn agriculture in Madagascar. #wildlife #nature #biology #conservation #animals #photo

I’ll be honest, hearing SEO people complain about the state of Google now is like hearing an arsonist complain that they just can’t get the quality of kerosene they used to.

since i never said it so directly and only just now added this to my profile description:
if you call for anything but the full decriminalisation of sex work or think hammer&sickle is a symbol of struggle for freedom: fuck off! my account is not for you.

Why are ethics questions always:

“Is it ethical to steal bread if your family is starving?”

And not:

“Is it ethical to hoard a million loaves of bread when other families are starving?”

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!