I'm an anarchist, and with that comes a commitment to "no heroes." But in a society that rewards, even worships the cruelest, greediest, most selfish, most violent, most power-mad sociopaths because of the size of their bank account and the political power it allows them to wield, you'll have to forgive me if I don't get bent out of shape that the kids love Luigi.
Me? I don't have heroes. But folks who'd give Elon Musk a handie if he asked don't get to tell me about "bad heroes."
Y'know, I still sometimes see people call Spotify better than piracy, but I don't know about that anymore. Now that they've demonetized so many tracks... if you pirate music, at least you know the artist isn't getting paid and you might buy it someday. Someone who streams music thinks they paid for it, and they'll never go buy it afterwards.
Today in Labor History December 22, 2010: President Obama signed the repeal of the Don't ask, don't tell policy. The 17-year-old law banned LGBTQ people from serving openly in the U.S. military. Now LGBTQ people can serve openly and kill innocent civilians throughout the world for the benefit of American corporations, just like their straight sisters and brothers.
#workingclass #LaborHistory #dadt #DontAskDontTell #lgbtq #homophobia #transphobia #imperialism #obama #civilians
https://www.europesays.com/1706360/ New gender neutral bathroom just dropped #GreatBritish #GreatBritishMemes #Memes #UnitedKingdom
Love old tech and anti-authoritarian praxis
RISC and singlecore CPUs
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