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So glad that thousands of dollars that could have gotten people out of homelessness and starvation went to a good cause and ensured that Kamala won the election, because it would be silly to throw all that money away and lose, wouldn't it, it would be really silly to put all your faith in electoral politics fixing all of societies problems if it was possible for it to not go your way

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Once again begging people to give up on "if you're not paying for the product you are the product" because I've seen so many people who now think if you are paying for a product your data is totally safe now forever because if I'm paying the company money they don't need to sell my data

When instead they could also sell your data and get Two Money

There should be a rewrite of AFPL to remove rights for the government.

I hope someday programmers will see that corpos shouldnt profit off them and governments shouldn't use their code for war crimes.

ICANN is sucky capitalist crap, openNIC is my baby

hot take 

DisplayPort should be the standard display connector everywhere(, even on servers). VGA and DVI are a fuck to plug in and can only carry low-quality signals; HDMI is proprietary, the HDMI forum(?) is a fuck and the standard lies far behind Display Port, like seriously the supported resolution and refresh rate as well as compactness (DP over USB-C!) are so far beyond.

Just use Display Port, fuck all the other display connectors.

"what's next do you want to be able to install Android on an iPhone and play Halo on a PlayStation" yeah man sure why not

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not enough appreciation for force-masc around these parts

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"turning him into a good girl" this "making him my gf" that

how about you call her a good boy and make her your boyfriend, eh?


I'm bored and have interests but I never do them. I just read about them and can't seem to put the info into practice. WHY?
I don't really get the reward feelings everyone else seems to get maybe that's it.

robot girls will literally cw "kink" and then just post a Wikipedia link to a mundane software development practice and refuse to expand on that idea

This mass media and corporate op to raise sympathy for the UHC CEO and demonize Luigi is never going to work, because WE HAVE ALL HAD A REASONABLE INSURANCE CLAIM DENIED. We have all had to take care of our own injuries or skip meds. Personal experiences aren’t that easily erased.

@mynameistillian I'm so fucking tired of these bitches using hammer and sickle and saying right to my face that Russia is a democratic country like ok Kate from California you surely know better

Imagine a planet where the goal is to be kinder instead of richer.

Two autonomous units
With a power supply too weak
One recharging in the other
Taking breaks in alternance
Independent but forever linked

Two autonomous units
Each with some broken gears
Switching as to always complement the other
The fragmented illusion of function
In an eternal synchronous dance

One autonomous unit

#TootFic #MicroFiction

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!