Injured #ctenophores, uniquely, can #fuse together into a single organism, even integrating their #nervous and #gastric systems.
Scientists accidentally find deep-sea 'jelly' creatures merged into 'single entity' after injury, revealing bizarre new behavior | Live Science #science #biology #MarineBiology #CombJellies
Mass resignation of the editorial board of the Journal of Human #Evolution. #Elsevier has gone bad. Very bad, in fact.
anti-transmasculinity and me / 🧵
There's the label on the tin: transmasculine non-binary. Which some folks read as "man."
Then there's the reality of my appearance: short, large breasted, delicate skin. 99.9% of people read me as "woman."
And then there's fedi.
"Transmisogyny exempt" doesn't exist except in hyper online circles. And y'all who think it does need to go touch some fucking grass.
All trans people are subject to transmisogyny. Transmisogyny is an intersectional marginalization.
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zionists–and antisemites who pretend to be antizionists–want to flatten 3000 years of history and culture into a less than 200 year old political movement.
I truly believe one day the State of Israel will fall, Palestine will be free, and the majority of Jews will again be non-zionists, just like before the State of Israel existed, it will be reduced back to a fringe nationalist element.
the State of Israel will be a dark chapter in our long history, to which we will say–never again. and we will make our promised land wherever we choose to dwell on this Earth, or off it. and Jews who live in Palestine will do so as neighbors and not as an occupying army, just as it was for thousands of years.
Baby steps of learning r and p̶y̶t̶h̶o̶n̶ now rust oop kinda annoyed me.
Pls send a follow request
Follow requests have been turned on solely because a previous irl friend is stalking me on this account and I don't know their account name. If this is you, pls just stop.
Eds and post covid
Just a puppy