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For morale purposes I have once again donned my guillotine earrings.

I couldn't let it go. I had to do something today that produced a positive result.

So I had an idea. I put the ThinkPad back together, but with a different SD card in the adapter, on the chance that the old card was corrupt, and that was causing the issues.

Still wouldn't boot off a DVD+RW, but a CD-RW with OpenBSD's latest release installed just fine.

You have to take the victories where you can find them.

What is one simple act of resistance that will absolutely infuriate any authoritarian determined to make the world ignore pandemics and climate change?

Wearing a mask.

ACAB includes our own eagerness to make harsher consequences for fucking mistakes

Now would be an excellent time to start wearing a respirator.

Do it as a show of solidarity with those who’ve spent five years being told they’re expendable and whose lives are constantly in jeopardy.

Do it for yourself. You don’t want to become disabled in this new MAHA era.

And the entire cyberspace is monitored by kind people, who lick juices dripping from the tips of their fingers.

Happy birthday, 9front.

#9front #glenda #cirno #unix_surrealism

Tell your friends when they've helped you materially or emotionally.

If I label this a "life hack," will you pay attention?

Felt really good about this comfy day-at-home look on Sunday
Pajama pants + tank top has become a default for me because it feels really nice

I hate having periods, some transgirl who wants them come take.

1. don't pour milk in your eyes
2. a knife is not a self-defense weapon unless you've actually trained with it
3. encrypted communication is only as secure as the devices it's on and only as trustworthy as the people you're communicating with
4. if someone tells you cops/fash are on the way, ask where, how many, what they look like, if they're armed and with what
5. seeking unity and collaboration with people whose interpersonal behavior is abusive and authoritarian is a liability, not a virtue
6. people in power will say they're going to do a lot of stuff, and even put some of it into policy, but what matters most is their capacity to enforce it, and this is an area where the rest of us have more power than we might think

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!