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Lewd pun 

call me OSHA the way i demand a solid railing

they should invent a type of project that you just think about and it materializes without you having to work on it at all

"When the rich rob the poor it's called business, when the poor fight back it's called violence"

Poster spotted in Brunswick, Melbourne

Nobody ever better fucking snitch on the bicyclist.

I mean it.

Fucking have some decency.

Bootlickers will literally be like:

"I worked 4/5ths of my waking adult life, thankful to the guy who golfs all day for taking like 80% of the value of my labor, scrounged the remaining 20% until some other guy who plays golf all day told me to give him all my meager savings or else I won't have access to shelter, a shower, or a place to store my personal belongings.

And since I got robbed so hard and thanked all my robbers, /everyone else should be robbed too!/ >:C"

So if any of you were wondering how the hell to get to about:config in firefox for android. Now that it doesn't work since how ever long its been.
This : "chrome://geckoview/content/config.xhtml" is the URL for it now. Idk why they thought only nightly needed about:config.

The NYPD is searching Manhattan for all persons insured by United Healthcare who have been denied coverage for ruinously costly treatment of debilitating conditions.

whenever a monogamous person talks about their girlfriend or boyfriend im gonna ask "which one"

it brings a great big smile to my face, and a good laugh. more good news please

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well done. let's keep killing capitalist exploiters :blobcatrainbow:

I can’t imagine why anyone would want to gun down the CEO of a huge medical insurer.

Negativity and positivity in anarchism: An inextricable but contradictory duality

"From Freedom News UK by Tomás Ibáñez, originally published at Redes Libertarias
Analysis, Dec 2nd

My initial purpose was to reflect on the unavoidable, and often undervalued, negative dimension of anarchism—but I soon realised this forced me to leave aside its entire positive aspect
~ Tomás Ibáñez,

lmao I just saw some linkedin post with a picture of a whiteboard that says "HR is the most difficult profession that looks easy" and my first thought was yeah, boots do taste pretty bad.

I left my laptop like an idiot. I could be dual booting nixos rn and completely breaking my Ubuntu install on the same hard drive. But no I'm just scrolling fedi on my phone.

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How convenient that the biggest thing in the way of mass organizing right now is a mass-disabling virus. How convenient that pestilence precedes war in the four horseman metaphor of collapsing empires. How convenient that power always finds a way to both cement itself and create the earthquake that turns that cement into rubble

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!