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Some pious liberal on the Bluesky was just going on about how “violence never solved anything.”


Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield reverses decision to put a time limit on anesthesia | AP News -

#health #eugenics #capitalism

The CEO murder is difficult for us all but remember, its like their healthcare adverts tell you:

"seek medical attention for an erection lasting more than four hours"

And man, I hate to say it but the vast majority of you reading this? Live in colonizer fascist police states built on a centuries-long embrace of what is fundamentally white supremacist ideology.

You're out here looking at things through the lens that "reasonable ppl will hear us arguing and agree with me because I'm not a fascist PoS."

That's not the space you actually live in. You ACTUALLY live in states where the DEFAULT is to agree with the Nazis because your society was BUILT on it.

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Piss kink joke 

Idk who drew this but I'm the doctor lol

Think of the life's that the hero safed, for whatever reason he killed that CEO. He did a great thing for humanity. Even if the only result is the anesthesia cap roll back.

If you defend a mass murderer on the grounds that all life is sacred. You arent a humanitarian, you're a fascist.

love seeing people upset about trump pledging to kick trans people out of the US military because like, you do get that any trans or queer person who joins the 'we do genocide' organisation is no longer a member of our community, you are actively supporting and fighting for an organisation that would happily follow the order to hunt down and exterminate all queer people if it was given, saying 'any trans person who joins the military is a traitor to our community; should not be controversial

I am here for 100% of the jokes about US health insurance companies.

People using the word “sanewashing” make it so clear we have a long way to go in disability justice and fighting ableist language

Choosing to spread misinfo, disinfo, conspiracy theories isn’t a mental illness — usually it’s a calculated political or monetization move

The notion that people choose to use computer applications because they are useful at accomplishing tasks is extremely outdated. The vast majority of software use is not voluntary.

The widespread rage against health insurance companies that we're seeing this week is a reminder that it coulda been harnessed by Dems in the 2024 campaign, but they deliberately avoided the issue, which appeased their donors & lost them the election.

<Nim> thinking terfs have anything to do with feminism and then proceeding to compare all feminism to terfs by inventing words like "tirf" is not just transmisogynistic, but just all around incredibly right wing and misogynistic.

I made a longpost qbout this a year ago hang on

v. poignant and also applies to how we view US sanctions or bombs

unitedhealth assassin reportedly hot as hell... has an eight-pack... attentive lover... might take you to a nice lobster dinner if apprehended...

the revolution is already happening. the violence is bottomless; the war never ended. the question is whether you can align to it. all your little excuses about why change is bad are just the reticence of the bribed. the question is not whether to start a revolution, but whether you will live up to your own damn values!

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Someone just said "don't normalize wishing violence on rich people" and fucking, the *violence* is already normalized in how millions of people die because of not having enough money.

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