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Decided to try my hand at making youtube videos, as I do a lot of projects that I feel people might be interested in, and never really documented them anywhere before.

Security firms are being inundated with calls from CEOs fearing for their lives since the UnitedHealthcare CEO was killed.

A reminder that 68K people die annually due to lack of care & 500K suffer medical bankruptcy—& every one of them fears for their lives & well being every second of every single day.

PSA: Jesse Singal is trying to pull the "polite Nazi walks into a bar" trick on #Bluesky. Depending if the BS admins let him and his minions do their bidding, some people may flock to #Mastodon and fedi in general seeking refuge. Let's protect these people and let's be very vigilant. Fedi admins and coders: keep an eye in Singal's playbook and strategy. If successful, may inform his next targets.

Update: Folks, there is a war over the soul of #Bluesky right now. Its centralized approach was always its flaw. No time to argue doh. Do your part and help them. And if Bluesky falls, let's make sure #Fedi delivers quite the amusement park when the "polite nazis" try to colonize this place as well. Personally, If I was one of these bozos, I would stay away from a place where an army of hackers could zero my bank into oblivion on a Caturday

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Also un-medicated ADHD means my understanding of time is generally “now” and “not now” but also I don’t always have the ability to compartmentalise waiting, so an appointment in the afternoon will take up my headspace for the whole day. Likewise, not having a set deadline or any idea of when a deadline might happen is excruciating for me.

Israel and US have both been striking Syria. Over 75 air strikes from the US last night alone that central command claims included targeting ISIL leaders, and Israel has expanded their attacks past occupied golan heights, including striking Latakia and bombing Damascus. Over 100 strikes on Syria from Israel since the fall of Assad.

i sincerely believe that only trannies should get to describe things as "-pilled"

Its been one of those days... Pass the dog collar!

issuing takedowns and lawsuits for fan works of your media has got to be the most hilarious business practice ever conceived. you're actively punishing consumers for showing interest in your products

Long COVID is destroying me. My lungs and heart hurt every second of every day. I'm totally exhausted. I can't breathe properly. The brain fog is ridiculous. I can't sleep properly, although I got 9 hours last night which is unheard of for me. It's awful.

Please wear a mask.

#LongCovid #CovidIsNotOver

fuck german leftists, cn abuse, food 

Fuck german leftists, fuck german anarchists who are able to call a non-profit volunteer run restaurant that demands money for food a solidarity focused "kitchen for everybody". and even defend that shit with the worda "you have to be realistic". I so fucking hate those words.
Here is some realistic perspective for you: people who are being starved by partners or family members won't be able to get food there, people who live on the streets and barely get the money together for their addiction won't be able to get food there, people who have to budget every little cent and just want some community one day a week won't fucking be able to get food there and join in to your little discussions about "solidarity politics".

This scene is so fucking callous.
Yeah, just call this a "everything or nothing" attitude while you enjoy your fucking classist anti-feminist meals, so you don't have to question what the fuck you are supporting in your spaces.
Shut down any talk about different ways to do it, like fucking donations or container diving with talks about money problems and police repression.
I would rather starve than eat with you.

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shoutout to the lesbians who are boys and the boys who are lesbians i love yall so much

This view is useful.

"Tolerance" is not an absolute. Refusing to abide by the terms -

e.g. promoting views that deliberately oppose those of tolerance -

constitutes a breach, and thus those actions are not covered.


In the USA before Dobbs, abortion couldn't be outlawed outright, so opponents pioneered ways to make it "impossible but not illegal." Mostly by dreaming up impossible regulations for abortion providers.

This post is not about abortion.

Anti-porn forces are following the same playbook with age verification. AV isn't intended to "protect the children" or whatever. It's impossible to comply; customers won't ID themselves. It's a porn biz killer, and that's its purpose.

#Porn #AgeVerification

In Georgia, the government banned sales of gas masks and protective equipment because protestors were using them to protect themselves from tear gas and water cannons used by the riot police.

Retail store Gorgia, the go to place for gas masks in Georgia, has responded by giving all their stock of protective equipment away for free.


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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!