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Mood for president's day and for all time: Do Keum-Yeun, a Korean woman who spent years fighting to keep the USA military from taking her community's land:

I had a liberal show up in my mentions to inform me that even taking about putting stickers on Teslas “puts me in the same category as the fascists” in case you were wondering how we came to find ourselves in our current predicament.

Fixed another page board, it was actually missing a cap on the RF board and also it had no programming password! Cool stuff

My life has been greatly improved just by paying attention to bird alarm calls. Anytime I'm out and hear some chickadees or crows making a fuss, I always make sure to investigate! Sometimes I get to see cool predators, raptors or mammals, and whether I do or not there's just that feeling of a little bit of connectedness to the world, that I can understand and pay attention to some simple communication from other species.

I can promise you that the feelings of isolation and abandonment you'll feel after all your friends dump you for having Long COVID will be much, much worse than the feelings of isolation and abandonment you will feel from masking to prevent developing Long COVID.

Tumblr to join the fediverse after WordPress migration completes

"Automattic confirmed to TechCrunch that when the migration is complete, every Tumblr user will be able to federate their blog via ActivityPub, just as every user can today."

don't let transphobe matt mullenweg and his corpo buddies in! sign The Anti-Automattic ActivityPub Accord, Or, FediPact 2: The Car Hammer Explosion Pact and pledge to defederate them from your instance today!!!!!

#FediPact #tumblr #automattic


All this talk of staying informed and marches, we are so past that we need riots, revolution, community support locally and nationally.

it's a great way to resolve our differences, few as they are

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more anarchists and communists should be having pillow talk about the next world imo

@FediThing Pro tip:

yt-dlp will download all videos from a channel if you give it a channel url.

It also supports batch processing with the `-a` flag.

Copy-paste the URLs to all your favorite channels into a `videos.txt` file, then run `yt-dlp -a videos.txt` to eat an entire hard drive.

This also works, more reasonably, with video links.

transfems and transmascs arent enemies they're friends and they're holding hands

People are obsessed with the idea that they can capitalism their way out of capitalism.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!