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Can anyone help me resolve these seemingly contradictory statements in the IEEE spec for floats?

child abuse 

this is... a review of a skirt?

Uh, that's a bit of a wild design decision?


What the hell TikTok 😭


Heya! In 2007, The Globe and Mail reported that you were studying the benefits of keeping a diary in Toki Pona. It's been over a decade since then, and I'd love to hear from you! Please DM me!

tfw when you have to write a talk and produce a video but your brain is like

Acknowledging the people who wrote your TeX macros is so wholesome, more people should do it!

There's not enough cat pics on my account: this is Zaza, she likes to sleep on upright pillows.

'Actually, Haskell is the name of the language conforming to the Haskell 98 Report. The name of the language compiled by GHC is "Haskell's Monster"'

Both Stephanie and Richard actually responded! In short, it's because Haskell let's you shoot yourself in the foot by writing non-terminating type families, but they didn't want to let that translate into letting you shoot yourself in the foot by writing segfaulting programs.

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Beats speaker gag 

Beats speaker gag is my favourite product placement.

There's something wonky about closed type families!

If both arguments to 'Min' contain type variables, only the first rule is ever tried. The family below gives 'Min n n ~ n' but if we move the first rule down, it no longer computes!

The TOPLAS submission system does not seem to be the best in its area.

COVID'19, death 

The Netherlands is currently in "total" lockdown, which means only two people can visit your home each day. None of y'all need to wear masks, just wash your hands and cough and sneeze in your elbow.


COVID drives Dutch death rate up to highest level since WWII


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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!