Anyone recommend any parsers for ASCII-style proof notation? Stuff like this:

Python: "we renamed `bad_name` to `much_better_name`, isn't that neat!"

Python programmers: "cool, yeah, so we're gonna have to import `six.bad_name_compat` to get that from now on"

Why you shouldn't wait for "problems to come up" before making your spaces accessible.


I'm engaging in a lot of encounters lately where people see me masked and ask "oh should I grab a mask?" And I know it comes from a good place, but it can be really exhausting. Why? Let's talk about access labor. 1/10



RT Serious question -- if COVID will never go away... are you going to mask-up for the rest of your life.


Truly cannot overstate how many problems in the Python ecosystem are solved by trying again next week.

Unfortunately, I can relate ๐Ÿ˜“


Just as a "fun" addition, I actually really taped pencils to my hand to be able to keep drawing


It's extremely common to (1) never really look at all your dataโ€”there's just too much!โ€”and (2) to start with someone else's pre-trained modelโ€”it's too expensive to train from scratch!โ€”with no way to know on what data it was trained.

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Genuinely horrified by this thread since to me "unreachable via text" and "very stable" (in both the woman's features and the gore theme) means there's a good chance that there's a lot of unlabeled images in the dataset depicting the abuse of one specific woman.

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๐Ÿงต: I discovered this woman, who I call Loab, in April. The AI reproduced her more easily than most celebrities. Her presence is persistent, and she haunts every image she touches. CW: Take a seat. This is a true horror story, and veers sharply macabre.


So Springer now wants us to hawk our own publications, and offers us 30% commission on those sales of our work that WE make? Cool.

I guess just doing the research, writing, reviewing, and editing wasnโ€™t enough? ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ

And maybe you could use Ruby's method call or block syntax to hack parentheses or curly braces into your DSL?

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You could probably define a function which within its block argumentt overrides the kernel method_missing, so sentences don't need a set starting word.

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An object with a BNF grammar and an evaluation function, which feeds its method_missing to a shift/reduce parser and returns itself, except when the full input is consumed, when it passes the resulting tree to the evaluation function, and returns the result.

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Please, someone tell me not to do this, I don't have the handwidth to spare.

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If you write a parser as a Ruby object that consumes its method_missing arguments, I guess you could just do full blown NLP or define any context-free grammar as a DSL?


Check out my experimental gem for creating naturalโ€“ish DSLs with Ruby ๐Ÿ™‚ Link:


These kind folks proved my Haskell correct!


Two new papers for you:

"Practical Generic Programming Over a Universe Of Native Datatypes" w/ Lucas Escot at

"Reasonable Agda Is Correct Haskell: Writing Verified Haskell using agda2hs" w/, Lucas Escot,, and at


Preferably one that covers everything up to the state of the art.

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Computer Fairies

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