Unfortunately, I can relate 😓

RT @ADHD_Alien@twitter.com

Just as a "fun" addition, I actually really taped pencils to my hand to be able to keep drawing

🐦🔗: twitter.com/ADHD_Alien/status/


RT @supercomposite@twitter.com

🧵: I discovered this woman, who I call Loab, in April. The AI reproduced her more easily than most celebrities. Her presence is persistent, and she haunts every image she touches. CW: Take a seat. This is a true horror story, and veers sharply macabre.

🐦🔗: twitter.com/supercomposite/sta

If you write a parser as a Ruby object that consumes its method_missing arguments, I guess you could just do full blown NLP or define any context-free grammar as a DSL?

RT @dmitrytsepelev@twitter.com

Check out my experimental gem for creating natural–ish DSLs with Ruby 🙂 Link: github.com/DmitryTsepelev/natu

🐦🔗: twitter.com/dmitrytsepelev/sta

I've already got these great recommendations, but anyone else have tips for the best recent book on recommender systems?

Hello, it's me.

RT @Gilesyb@twitter.com

This is an astonishingly important story from @jburnmurdoch@twitter.com. Our suddenly-diminished labour force is an immediate, dangerous drag on UK prosperity. It's a hypothesis, but if NHS decay is the reason, this is THE issue of the decade on.ft.com/3IYrtgP

🐦🔗: twitter.com/Gilesyb/status/155

I suppose that the answer is that there are many different types of sub and superscripts, and that sometimes you want, e.g., the subscript version of a character to look slightly different, but don't we already have support for ligatures in fonts for exactly that reason?

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Something small that has always baffled me about unicode. Why isn't there a subscript and superscript composing character?

This is madness:

Reading the smalltt source for the winter holidays and… what the hell?

my face when I’m asked if I’ve already gathered the receipts to prove I didn’t embezzle 5.1 billion euros

I bought a set of finger splints to cope with trigger finger, but Dora has declared they are HERS and I am not to use them.

Pictured: Dora, getting ready for a long night of hacking

We have an interesting bug in , where the font looks horrible across all browsers on Windows, but it looks absolutely fine on macOS. Does anyone know what could be going wrong here?

Listen, I just watched The Favourite, and I've been playing too much MtG these past days, so this was unavoidable.

Listen, I just watched The Favourite, and I've been playing too much MtG these past days, so this was unavoidable.

Looking forward to Jurriaan's talk tomorrow at the Haskell Symposium!

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!