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why do they make caffeinated drinks yummy? it should be disgusting like medicine. now i wanna drink more of my yummy drink, but i also know that if i do, I. WILL. DIE.

love seeing my papers flip back and forth between "reviewers assigned" and "under review" for months on end

proctoring software 

Cop shit has no place in the classroom and fucks over poor, Black, and disabled students.


In my in-person sessions with students today (for m hybrid courses), they were telling me about their experience using proctoring software and lockdown browsers for OTHER courses (I could never...). Here are some of the things that they just said casually:


Heya! I wrote some lhs2TeX directives to format Linear Haskell's arrow as %1 ⊸ based on lambda.fmt. Unfortunately, I think the linear arrow syntax is too complex to conditionally hide the %1 using JUST lhs2TeX. Any suggestions? :)

The TOPLAS submission system does not seem to be the best in its area.

@electroCutie I dunno, my messaging apps are pretty uniformly blue (Signal, Telegram, Zulip, Discord, The only exception is Slack, with their... uhm... unfortunately less than ideal logo.

re: nlpol, burqa ban 

FWIW they voted for this in 2018 – I've been very disconnected from Dutch politics – but they're sticking to it to this day.

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re: nlpol, burqa ban 

"If we force people not to wear a burqa, they can't be forced to wear a burqa! Therefore, no undue force!"

My babies, your cultural biases are showing.

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nlpol, burqa ban 

TIL voted for a burqa ban in the Netherlands, and I'm just so disappointed and tired.

Does anyone even manage Hackage anymore? It's been literal YEARS since I've asked to have my account permissions fixed.

I've reached the "I cannot tell all these blue app logos apart" threshold. Can we have some non-blue logos now?

It seems that the only difference between Send and Recv is S versus S::Dual in the struct definition!

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I've attached a more complete example below. Is there anything I'm missing on why this happens?

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This works just fine...

type Foo = Recv<Bar, End>;
enum Bar {Baz(Recv<i64, Send<i64, Foo>>)}

This fails with "overflow evaluating the requirement"!

type Foo = Recv<Bar, End>;
enum Bar {Baz(Send<i64, Recv<i64, Foo>>)}

But the requirements on Send and Recv are identical!

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I have a small Rust library for session-typed channels, called sesh, and while using it, I noticed something really weird. Maybe you can help me figure out what's going on?

Pretty sure there's someone in Edinburgh wakes up every Tuesday morning when Jordan Valley restocks their delicious spinach lentil rolls and immediately buys all of them. Wish it was me.

Every time I leave my office, my air quality monitor sends me a message like "Oh, wow, geez, CO2 levels sure are down in your office! What did you do?! Can you make this a permanent change?!"

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!