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I went to get Dora from the countertop, and as I approached she looked at me guiltily and moved her head sideways – without breaking eye contact – to get in one last sniff of the air fryer

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dora has learned that she can jump on the kitchen countertop. she knows she can’t be there, so she’s been pulling also sorts of dramatic reactions to pretend she’s not doing anything wrong. she’s also learned to jump off if I approach her or I point at the floor.


honestly we should keep face masks on public transport forever

Anyway, apparently it’s not recommended to go into surgery while you are a crying mess of stress? So I guess this is for the best.

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I didn’t know the exact guidelines around booking hotel accommodation and travel until the week before my surgery, which meant that several times I had to cancel all my bookings and make new ones. In London. One week before my trip.

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Ended up having to postpone my surgery, due to the endless stress produced by poor communication from the hospital around the arrangements I should be making.

them: Please relax the weeks before your surgery.

also them: Please conform to the ever increasing list of requirements we put on you, which keep invalidating your travel and hotel arrangements.

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Has someone written an introduction to cubical type theory for programmers yet?

Goddamnit people still don't understand masks even on planes???

Me: Cool, cool, cool. So I just wait at the border for the results, hope they're a little early, and then show 'em in the seconds long time window that they're valid?

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Netherlands: Make sure you have a negative test from a sample taken less than 48 hours ago.

UK Test Site: May be faster, but worst case you'll have your results in 48 hours!

people are using my air quality monitor to mine crypto, so now getting a second one is, like, twice as expensive?

my face when I’m asked if I’ve already gathered the receipts to prove I didn’t embezzle 5.1 billion euros

@aza_leah Unfortunately, I meant using the Pandoc API, which is significantly less, uh, documented.

Anyone have any recs tor a one-handed detail sander for someone who doesn’t have the hands of a giant?

For most of my life, my mother implied that if I ever were to have surgery, I’d die on the operating table. I have to undergo surgery soon. Obviously, I’m having some FEELINGS.

I bought a set of finger splints to cope with trigger finger, but Dora has declared they are HERS and I am not to use them.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!