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I've already got these great recommendations, but anyone else have tips for the best recent book on recommender systems?

Hello, it's me.


This is an astonishingly important story from Our suddenly-diminished labour force is an immediate, dangerous drag on UK prosperity. It's a hypothesis, but if NHS decay is the reason, this is THE issue of the decade


Glasgow is trending close to 10% of us all having COVID at the same time.

"we don't know when exactly we should lift restrictions, so they should either be lifted right now or kept forever" is some hangman paradox shit

Seeing a stranger go through all the same motions, progressively more desperate.

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Watching a faraway stranger take control of my TV to try and debug feels truly unhinged.

anyone have recommendations for game engines for making topdown GB style games?

tfw you find a cool game engine but its license is explicitly swerfy and anti-choice

Am I the only ’er who’s annoyed there’s no `?x <- m` syntax?

🤞 for all PL people looking into NLP and beholding the horror of big data to lead to a categorial grammar revival

My hot take for today is that even if you’re a bit of a conservative contrarian, as a mathematician you should probably still prefer a nice abstraction over a clunky and incomplete enumeration?

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Guess it’s a day for bad HoTT takes. Disappointing.

Looking for royal patron, please DM me.

RT tbf you really shouldn't be doing research if you're not a lord or lady living off your estates or have at *least* a royal patron


Thanks everyone for the wonderfully supportive pets! :)

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Could a British person explain to me why y'all get so weird about having tea *with* a meal?

Having a difficult time, send pictures of your pets, please? Any advice for the Shake specific part?

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twitter: How do I find out why my Shake file is looping? How do I find out, more generally, why my Haskell program is looping? (So far, attempts to profile only result in empty files and compile errors.)

literally watch me write:

def x(y=lambda: []):
return y

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!