Hello, it's me.
RT @Gilesyb@twitter.com
This is an astonishingly important story from @jburnmurdoch@twitter.com. Our suddenly-diminished labour force is an immediate, dangerous drag on UK prosperity. It's a hypothesis, but if NHS decay is the reason, this is THE issue of the decade https://on.ft.com/3IYrtgP
NL: Cop—after revealing the fact that her colleagues call themselves 'exterminators of minorities'—is no longer a cop.
RT @rmnoppe@twitter.com
Am I the only #Haskell’er who’s annoyed there’s no `?x <- m` syntax?
My hot take for today is that even if you’re a bit of a conservative contrarian, as a mathematician you should probably still prefer a nice abstraction over a clunky and incomplete enumeration?
Looking for royal patron, please DM me.
RT @tritlo@twitter.com
@koronkebitch@twitter.com tbf you really shouldn't be doing research if you're not a lord or lady living off your estates or have at *least* a royal patron
#Haskell twitter: How do I find out why my Shake file is looping? How do I find out, more generally, why my Haskell program is looping? (So far, attempts to profile only result in empty files and compile errors.)