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spacemacs is the best editor because it has a secret option to show me a cute text-art kitty on startup

Don't mind me, I'm just learning about the properties of the basic arithmetic units of computers, like, a decade into my career.

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(It's actually all bar NaN and -Infinity, but that doesn't sound as neat.)

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Floating-point numbers start behaving more and more like Infinity the bigger they get. The bigger x is, the more y there are such that x + y = x. Then x hits Infinity, and we have x + y = x for all bar NaN.

just went to file a GHC bug, only to find that I've been beaten to it by 11 years:

in that issue, mentions recalling a "very old" ticket about this, 11 years ago!!!

anyway, this bug is still in GHC 8.10.1... 😅

welp this sucks, very disappointed in :(


The worst part is that the patch was originally submitted to, the team asked to send it to upstream (something they usually do to avoid diverging too much) but then it was closed following Bram’s decision 😭 First time Neovim’s devs disappoint me


love me some Designated Social Interaction Time

going down the floating-point rabbit hole, now considering implementing unums for agda anyone tried to do floating-point arithmetic in idris2 yet, or is that position still open?

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so far, I've been the first to try and actually use floating-point arithmetic in three different proof assistants

Loved's keynote at ICFP'20! I'm pretty much sold on Taiwan now, I guess?


so, can we get publicly archived bodycams for politicians?

my brain, mid-refactoring: hey, you should also refactor that! do it now! you can finish this one later!

me, later: huh, why is my code broken?

mental health 

I think I'm a little hypomanic at the moment? I'm not sleeping a lot, and I'm working obscene amounts of hours... which, probably not healthy :/

implementing this lattice as an agda datatype... good times, good times...

got an fb recruitment email and I kinda wanna respond with just "😂"

most of my supervision meetings are just my supervisor trying desparately to convince me to do less work, and me going "I respect you, but I'm gonna ignore your advice"

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!