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Month FIVE of waiting to be seen for a wrist injury. It's all the gender clinic now.

Pictured: Dora, getting ready for a long night of hacking

I have never celebrated halloween in my life, but I do like spooky things, so...

I think Facebook did a great job. Honestly, they should do this more often, maybe even permanently!

it is fucking terrifying how prescient octavia butler's parable of the sower was

Just when I thought I'd gone beyond the reach of the house of Orange.

Glad parsing Haskell is easy. Would be wild if code could somehow trigger a parse error 100 lines earlier in the file.

me: I'll take it easy
hyperfocus: I think the fuck not

Turns out I can't ad-lib in talks anymore? Thanks, pandemic.

I was writing a getter and a setter, so I figured I'd check out lens for some ideas for syntax. That was yesterday, and I haven't stopped screaming yet.

Listening my teenage music collection and going "yikes, skip" every minute or two.

> The name "allow-newer" is chosen to match the commonly used cabal option.

Maybe they should've implemented it to match the semantics of that cabal option as well, then?

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TIL stack --allow-newer may also use OLDER versions

The main font is a frankenfont we cooked up, which SHOULD have every character used in PLFA in fixed-width. It's served via CSS from:

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We have an interesting bug in , where the font looks horrible across all browsers on Windows, but it looks absolutely fine on macOS. Does anyone know what could be going wrong here?

Rewrote a library from scratch and now the code looks pretty and the tests fail.

Heya Twitter! Does anyone know how I can setup haskell-language-server to use Ormolu for formatting?

*deletes exclamation marks from email*

"I should be appropriate! I should use another punctuation mark like..."

*puts exclamation mark back*

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!