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Got bitten by this so many times


I'm no Python expert, but is this a super common bug? How do people use defaults without this happening?

def x (y=[]):
return y

x() => []
x() => [10]


If we're mutuals, and you'd like more unfiltered me on your timeline, feel free to follow my alt!

If we're mutuals, and you'd like more unfiltered me on your timeline, feel free to follow my alt!

I suppose that the answer is that there are many different types of sub and superscripts, and that sometimes you want, e.g., the subscript version of a character to look slightly different, but don't we already have support for ligatures in fonts for exactly that reason?

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Something small that has always baffled me about unicode. Why isn't there a subscript and superscript composing character?

This is madness:

node: so I build the package you asked for, added it to the path, copied it into node_modules and added that to the path too, for good measure

node, five seconds later: hey, you made a mistake! all these module names are ambiguous!

No matter how I build my executable, I get "the flag -p requires the program to be built with -prof"

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Is there any up to date advice on how to profile Haskell with Cabal?

My previous one passed a couple years ago during a move and I'm really starting to miss it...

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Anyone nearby have a kombucha scoby for me? :)

me: *takes a sip of water, gulps slightly too loud*
my voice control: "Ah, did you mean to delete this line?" was inspired to finally write these down after you brought up tactics in Agda the other day! 😄

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TIL, after years of trying to get my rheumatological symptoms diagnosed, that my mom has a fibromyalgia diagnosis, and just never told me?

Reading the smalltt source for the winter holidays and… what the hell?

Should I be compiling this from HEAD to get it to work?

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Heya twitter! How do I get HLS and Wingman to work with VSCode? The only command offered, aside from stopping and starting the language server, seems to be importing identifiers.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!