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The Seahawks logo eyebrow really says a lot about the cultural shifts inspired by 9/11.

“Butch trans woman? You mean gender-conforming straight man?”

Thank you for admitting you’ve never met a butch and/or trans woman of any kind.

I AM QUEER AND MONSTROUS. 10,000 YEARS TRANS POWER NOW :flag_transgender: 👍 👏 🔻

I've used my knife mostly for cutting thread, rope, and packaging because I do craft work, but I still wear it on my belt because it sends a clear message to 'phobes.

They're looking for an easy target because they are cowards. I am not an easy target.

Let’s make gifting someone a knife a symbol of queer friendship and intimacy.

It says “I want you to have your own power and use it to make yourself safer, because I care about you.”

Check out my zine "Queer Revenge" on Anarchist Library (about 1200 words / 9 min):

“Politics is about a reconciliation that brings the systems of domination into greater levels of legitimacy and relevance.

The truth is that the institutions of our society are shot through with rapists, racists, homophobes, abusers, misogynists, eugenicists, and any other kind of nasty shit you could im[...]"

Me, in a hurry this morning: “It’s not like I’ll get harassed if I don’t wear my knife on my belt for one day.”

Horny, Middle-Age, Cishet Men:

I relate to tanuki because they can also change their outward shape and are characterized as playful and lazy. Also I watched Pom Poko and I'm hate developers.

Tumblr is just getting like more and more puritan by the day and it's a little scary tbh.

Check out my notes on the tactics that can be extrapolated from the actions of anarchist Willem Van Spronsen on

US Pol 

Fun Game: Was this made by a MAGA dipshit or a DSA member?

To be a woman is to be expected to match an ideal mediated image.

It means being coerced into a performance of always being alluring, but not dirty; sensual, but not sexual; pretty, but not vain; capable, but not proud. To always be hungry. In a phrase: to exist solely for the sake of others.

To be acceptable she must surrender all agency and allow herself to be morphed by social power– to be made pleasing and useful.

In this sense trans women are the most woman of all.

“Yeah, you’ve done great liberating animals from farm cages, but will you free your inner animal from the cage of internalized humanism?”

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!