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racism, white South Africans 

Haha, who the fuck wrote this shit?

Lmao this is too funny not to screen 

Damn turns out you need more trans imperialist soldiers cuz otherwise when the revolution comes there won't be enough trans tank driver :blobuwu:

Tag yourself I'm the communist God. You may sacrifice the genders of your firstborn to me.

aphobia, transphobia 

Repost so others can retoot:


A new aphobic instance has been made:

They're specifically design to gather gatekeeping reactionaries to harass queer identities in the name of "protecting lgbt youth" and "excluding cishets." In reality, most of the people they targets are non-binary people who refuse to fall into their pre-determined gender trinary and any aspec(asexual/aromantics spectrum) individuals.

Please report them to your mods.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!