@EarthStrikeInt ur going OFF today comrade and I love it
Another thing about #EarthStrike.
We don't get to tell #workers what to do. Callously calling a strike on a timeline of months is fucking **DANGEROUS.**
As someone on the Earth Strike Matrix said:
"[The] strikes in [Arizona] took four years to organize and you're planning on corraling unions worldwide in a few [months]."
"[This] comes off heavily as kids telling workers what to strike for, when to strike, and how to strike without first looking for input from the actual [workers.]"
Likewise, #XR callously telling passionate people to get arrested for "the movement" is horrifying.
@loptr_punk Leftbook is an awful cesspool of centrist, brocialist and cultists
Maybe the best piece of information I really got out of the exhange is that the mods feel constantly overwhelmed by focusing on keeping the space vehemently anti-racist, and want more group members to step up in areas they can't address.
But I'm not sure how that's supposed to work when the culture around anti-racism literally enables allistic violence.
The community is serving someone, that's for sure. It's not serving everyone no matter how many times they say otherwise.
@peculiar_perryble You always deserve ice cream UwU
Fight with your friends and peers. Or alone. But fight. Fight with those who respect you, and with those you can trust.
When you do, you'll learn. And you'll fail. Let yourself fail. Maybe in the end, everything you do fails. And then you die, but at least you tried. And that is beautiful.
Resistance is beautiful, in and of itself. Resistance lives on, in all of our hearts, and all of our actions.
I leave you with some reading that has inspired and taught me along the way.
--This is not an Earth Strike endorsed message--
I largely endorse the sentiments here: https://twitter.com/EarthStrikeInt/status/1120196934516363264
I am sorely disappointed by the inaction and incompetence of #EarthStrike , and can no longer afford to compromise with milquetoast movements.
I am painfully aware of the horrendous flaws in tactics & mentality of #FFF #XR.
ENOUGH of this liberal reformism.
ENOUGH of this milquetoast "rebellion."
We're all going to die, literally, from heat stroke. Start acting like it.
Earth Strike is dead. XR is dead. But our solidarity isn't.
Fight like hell. But don't make my mistake, don't tolerate liberal movements, and DO NOT tolerate organizational hierarchy and bureaucracy.
Act locally. Join some friends. Help a collective like the #ELF. If there isn't one, start one. If you don't want to start one, fight anyway. If you don't know how to, read. Recipes for Disaster is a good start. It's far from perfect.
@ben There's a difference between unity and homogenizing. Putting the idenity in an acronym isn't. Pressuring people using the same label is.
@ben then it's a 26 letters title if people feels like it. Queer identities isn't meant to be easily categorized and homogenized. It's not meant to appeal to cishets.
@PhantomQueen Logan Paul working for Disney isn't exactly a fantasy
What's popping #trans fems ^_^
#FoodNotBombs now has a ton of M-sized femme clothing that we can exchange (or give out)!
More to come... Please donate things to us, we super appreciate it!
@ben We can call it however people wanna call themselves
@PhantomQueen It's a prophecy
queer/geek/artist/entomologist/professional regiphagist
transphobes/aphobes/biphobes/panphobes and pedos please kindly fuck off