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i don't get it, if everyone wants me to be an adult so much then why is adultery a sin?

Dredd Livetooting 

in the future it's confirmed that health is assigned hitpoint values

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i haven't said this in a while but i love my gf

Tag yourself I'm the communist God. You may sacrifice the genders of your firstborn to me.

re: the Daily Dot article, mastodon meta, politics 

Mastodon is't crumbling but it is a fucking mess, and I blame the creator and all the other white people

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the Daily Dot article, mastodon meta, politics 

I have very mixed feelings about that article

Fuck gargron and all the shit he pulled, but also content warnings are actually good as hell and complaining that politics goes behind them is bullshit

Also fedi is far too white and mostly ignores the voices of PoC, especially women and queer people of color in favour of white people

“Crumbling” is a metaphor for the decentralized nature of the fediverse. The crumbs aren’t disappearing they are just given autonomy from the main body. Mastodon is designed to crumble. It’s a feature.

(3) Meds (+++ but bittersweet) 

No more of this fucking absurdity, please.

No more forcing kids into PE lessons.
No more health shaming, scaremongering, lifestylist bullshit.
No more assigned gender at birth. No more assumption of able bodiedness and neuronormativity.

No more mocking people for struggling. No more contempt, disregard and suspicion for our stated limits. No more forcing us to pretend, to grin and bear it.

No more of this cold blooded, tough love, be-cruel-to-be-kind murder.

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Meds (+++ but bittersweet) 

Gabapentin is the revelation I was told SSRIs would be.

Actually having some nervous 'room' for my subconscious to maneuver is letting it process and soothe trauma.

I was prescribed SSRIs hastily and with disregard for the side effects I kept reporting. SSRIs were supposed to start some kinda internal processes like this, but didn't.

Because you don't give someone w/chronic pain and BPD LITHIUM and then a truckload of SSRIS. Thank you NZ.

(4) Meds (+++ but bittersweet) 

Stop teaching people that killing their bodies is healthy. That grinning and bearing pain is how it should be, that pain is just normal and a part of life.

It is not. Not this sort of pain. Not debilitating pain, not mindfuck and brain fog pain.

If a single person had listened to me I could've had a few years extra life.

Please, for fucks sake. Don't let this paradigm survive any longer.

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Mastodon is disintegrating like the cotton candy that raccoon tried to wash in the creek in that one gif

infinite growth is literally unsustainable and a capitalist garbage myth

github is a non-programming space because people just post code there instead of doing Real Programming, which is when you give your hottest take on linux kernel mailing list drama


That's not politics, that's just political theory. Politics is where the two neoliberals glare at each other.

(You know that's not what I really think. Isn't it weird that getting rid of cops, prisons, borders, or private property aren't considered politics?)

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!